Learn How To Control Your Dreams


When it comes to the invisible world, dreams play a major part. Communicating with others, subconscious revelations, and experiencing your fantasies are some things that can be experienced in the dream state. Healing on a mental, emotional, and physical level can also be achieved on the other side of reality. Getting a glimpse into the future can be achieved during the hours of rest. Some say the physical life is not real, and the dream world is true reality. 

The dream world can have devastating effects on you if you don’t check it. Most people disregard their dream as whatever, and they just deal with the ins and outs of their everyday physical life. People go to sleep watching and listening to the media as they get programmed by the powers that be. Next thing you know, your life is going in spirals and patterns that’s hard to break out of. Life is about sequences and programs executed  through repetitive activities. Those in control know this. 

As you become conscious of the dream state, you can go into other levels of awareness to find out what’s making you tick. With the proper focus and techniques, you can go into the minds of others. You can heal your physical illnesses in your dreams which can manifest on a physical level. On the days you just want to have fun, you can live out your wildest fantasies and go on the greatest adventures that seem so real it will be reality to you. 

There are ways to get more in tune with your dream state. These exercises need to be practiced on a consistent basis to get the full effects. This should be part of your new culture as you become a cosmic shadow boxer. Before we get into the techniques of dream surfing, you can check out these ebooks from suprememoonbeamebooks.com: Beginners Guide to Lucid Dreaming, How to Interpret Your Dreams, and Dream Psychology. The links will be in the description below. You will gain a lot of knowledge from these manifestos, and the prices are under five dollars each. Now let’s go into some techniques you can do to start your path of dream traveling.  

Keeping A Dream Journal

Document your dream life. This will get you more familiar with the other side of reality. Every time you wake up, jot down what you remembered from your dream state. Keep a notepad and pen next to your bed. Get one of those small notepads you can pick up at the Dollar Tree or Walmart. If you are using a standard sized notebook, it will be too big and bulky, and it will deter you from using it on a regular basis. When you have time, you can transfer the information from your notepads to your more attractive standard sized notebook. 

Go over your notes periodically. You will start to notice patterns in your dream life. Just like the physical reality, the dream world can be full of repetitions. Until you are aware, you will be a victim of monotonous behavior, even in the dream reality. As you become more lucid you can break those patterns and start gaining control and making changes. It’s just like the mental and physical reality. When you gain knowledge and wisdom, you can uplift yourself from the conditions that have been holding you back.

Write What You Want To Dream About

Now is the time you can utilize your big dream journal. Divide a section of your journal for your dream goals. Write down what you want to dream about everyday. A great time to write down your dream aspirations is right before you go to sleep. Even throughout the day, you should write down your dream goals when you have time. This will keep your mind focused on anticipating your dream session. There’s something magical about writing. With the time and effort it takes, your thoughts get imprinted in your mind.

In this part of your dream journal, you can write about all your deepest fantasies. Whatever comes to mind, jot it down. You can write about sparking that relationship with your secret celebrity crush. How about traveling to France, Mexico, or South Africa? You can write about having a boxing match with the heavyweight champ of the world. Put the pen to the paper and write about having a conversation with Michael Jordan or Mark Cuban. Write about going hang gliding over the rainforest. There is no limitation. 

Remove All Media Before You Go To Sleep

In order for you to be conscious in the dream state, you have to get your rest in a distraction free environment. When you become more experienced with dream traveling, the distractions will not be such a big problem. In the beginning of your journey, you need to turn off all media before going to sleep. I know for some people it is difficult to go to sleep without music or the TV on, but you have to condition yourself and wean yourself off of that crutch. If you really need to have some type of noise to go to sleep, try some smooth jazz with no lyrics or sounds of the rainforest. If you are in a situation where you can’t control the noise in your environment, get some earplugs

When you go to sleep with media on, that media can manipulate your dream. When you wake up, you won’t know what part of your dream had a deep meaning or what part was influenced by the surrounding noise. Here is an example: You had a great vision in your dream to invest your money in real estate. You woke up with great motivation because you got the message from above. Little did you know that while you were sleeping to Tony Montana brokering coke deals, an infomercial came on for 30 minutes talking about how you can get rich with no experience or money down.

One Of The Best Times To Be Conscious In Your Dreams

I know you’re excited to dive into the dream world to fulfill all of your fantasies, but you just can’t force yourself to sleep. When it’s time to go to bed, you are tired, and all you can think about is rest. At this time, it can be difficult to be conscious when dreaming. A great time to begin your lucid dreaming excursion is when you wake up during sleep, and you go back to sleep. During this time, the memory of your dreams are fresh, and you are between the state of being awake and tired, so you can go back to sleep and continue your previous dream while being aware.  

Usually when you wake up to go to the bathroom, or when your alarm clock rings, and you try to get in that next 10 to 20 minutes of rest. This is the time to try to get into a lucid state. If you usually wake up at six a.m., set your clock for five a.m., so you can have an extra hour to play around with. This is a great time to be aware in your dreams. Most people experienced this before. Have you ever been woken up from a great dream by the ringing of the alarm, and you quickly turn off the alarm to get back in the dream where you left off at? 


Practice your meditation. When you go into a deep meditation, you can find yourself in a trance state. This state is similar to lucid dreaming. The more you meditate, the easier it will be to lucid dream. It’s like if you know how to ride a bike, it’s gonna be easier to ride a motorcycle. You shouldn’t try to ride a motorcycle if you don’t know how to ride a bike. The Karate Kid had to learn how to wax on wax off which made it easier for him to master the karate techniques. In order to master anything in life you have to conquer the preliminary steps.

At the highest levels of meditation, your body is practically in sleep paralysis. In the darkness of silence, visions can be seen, voices can be heard, and revelations are revealed. This state is similar to the dream state. With the skills of meditation under your belt, it will naturally apply when it’s time to get some rest. Anybody who plans to live the life of a spiritual cosmic shadow boxer needs to meditate on a regular basis. All spiritual disciplines require meditation to be mastered. If you have been following my channel or website, you will notice meditation is a big part of all I build on.

Natural Herbs To Help You On Your Dream Journey

Everybody does not have a rich and elaborate dream life. Some folks deal with anxiety, stress, depression, and it is hard to get into a productive dream state. The good news is there are some natural herbs that can enhance your dream journey. Herbs like skullcap, chamomile, catnip, valerian, and  white willow bark can help you get into a nice relaxed state optimum for a good night’s dream. Mixing herbs together with certain properties can achieve the customization you need for your desired effects. The herbs mentioned can be mixed with herbs like ginkgo biloba which will stimulate thought. 

There are some great herbs out there that can help you on your mission. It is important that you stay on the safe side dealing with outside stimulants. The herbs I mentioned are safe if used properly. Don’t go out there and start using hard drugs to enhance your dream state. There are so many negative side effects when you deal with hardcore drugs. Addiction, health issues, and toxic social interactions are just a few undesirable results of hardcore drug use. The whole point of my channel is elevation. 


The key to mastering anything is practice. Your journey might be difficult in the beginning, but with time and dedication, you will be living an exciting alternate reality. Going to sleep without media is something you will have to get used to. In a week or two, it will be a natural thing. Practice your writing and meditation. You can’t go wrong. You can read and watch all the tutorials and videos, but without practice, it’s just entertainment. 


By gaining control of your dreams, you will enhance your cosmic journey by leaps and bounds.
You can learn so much in the dream world. Your powers and your magic will reach levels that can’t be explained. The key is to take the first step on this exciting mission. Moment by moment, day by day you will gradually reach your goal. Setbacks are expected. Embrace them, and don’t let them break your spirit. That applies to anything you want to accomplish. Like I said earlier, check out suprememoonbeamebooks.com for these titles: Beginners Guide to Lucid Dreaming, How to Interpret Your Dreams, and Dream Psychology. These ebooks will help you out tremendously on your journey. The links will be in the description below. Thanks for checking out this manifesto. Supreme Moonbeam. Peace.


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