10 Addictions That Are Holding You Back


When you think about addiction, you think about crack, coke, heroin, pills, alcohol, and all those other controlled substances. Drug addiction destroys lives and families. It breaks down communities from thriving areas to dilapidated warzones. It turns mothers and daughters into prostitutes and fathers and sons into murderers, poison peddlers, and petty criminals. Victims of this scourge will do things that are unimaginable to get a blast of their narcotic of choice.

The definition of addiction is to do something repeatedly even though it is not beneficial to your health or wellbeing. It is a compulsive behavior that is programmed in your biopsychology. Hardcore drugs and alcohol are not the only addictions that are limiting your success in life. In this manifesto, I’m gonna build on ten behavioral addictions that hold people back.

1. Attention

There are many out there that seek attention. There are those that feel that they need it to function and be happy. Attention seekers sacrifice their humility for recognition. This addiction starts from childhood.  It could start when the education process begins. In school, those that dress the best or are the most obnoxious get all the attention. When the victim of this addiction recognizes that it takes these processes to get attention, they go all in, and their behavior can become a problem.

This addiction can flourish into adulthood. Meditation, contemplation, and studying the dharma can heal your addiction to attention. Wearing the color blues and grays can keep you out of the spotlight. Meditating with crystals like azurite and topaz can stimulate your empathy and intuition and let you see that you do not need all the attention.

2. Media

Media is possibly the most known and powerful addiction that flies under the radar. From birth, most are glued to the television. This new generation is born with the internet at the tip of their fingers. The media shapes every aspect of our lives, from the music that’s played, to the day time dramas, to the prime time sitcoms. When you turn off your TV or internet, you can feel the withdrawal symptoms. 

Those that are addicted to the media should go out more. They should take trips through nature, partake in a hobby like: writing, drawing, playing an instrument, gardening, or whatever your heart desires. Those with a media addiction should wear more purples and yellows to stimulate your creativity. I’m not saying to go outside with bright, loud colors. You can start small with some purple socks and a yellow scarf. 

3. Food

Food addictions are very dangerous. They can be the cause of many health issues like diabetes, obesity, acne, cancer, chronic indigestion, and many more. A food addiction can be deeper than just a craving for tasty dishes. It can be a substitute for something missing in your life like companionship, and enjoyment. 

To conquer a food addiction, you should socialize more. You can show yourself more love by having a makeover and reintroducing yourself into the world. You can try meditating on positive affirmations and the emotions you will feel enjoying yourself doing activities other than eating. Every journey starts with one step so there’s no reason to stress yourself out. Also, the complete journey will consist of triumphs and failures, and that’s okay. Even the greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, missed half of his shots. 

4. Sleep

Excessive sleep could be a symptom of depression. When you sleep a lot, you are trying to escape reality. At this point, you need to switch your attitude from pessimism to optimism. There are 360 ways to look at every situation. Pressure can bust a pipe or make a diamond. Life can be a beautiful thing, depending on how you look at it. 

To conquer your addiction to sleep, try wearing more red colors. This will bring more excitement into your life. Also, you should do some freestyle writing, so you can brainstorm and find out what makes you tick. Do activities that are off the wall like riding the rides at the amusement park, take a boxing class, or go skydiving. Maybe there is a deep-rooted issue that is causing your depression that makes you sleep a lot. This matter needs to be addressed in order to move to the next level. 

5. Fashion

Fashion is the number one reason NFL players go broke after their retirement. This addiction is very expensive. Keeping up with the latest fashion trends will send you to the poor house. From a child to adulthood, the name brands get more expensive. In grade school, you wear Polo and Nautica. By the time you’re in your career, you are wearing Gucci and Louis Vuitton. Every season a new catalog comes out for these brands.

To curb your fashion addiction, maybe you need to switch your social circle to people that are more down to Earth. You can also learn to sew, so you can create your own line of fashion. Relocating to a different state and city, so you can start a brand new you can help heal your fashion addiction. Remember, everything is mental. Reprogram your state of mind. Realize you are your number one critic. 

6. Socializing

Socializing is the type of addiction that you don’t realize you have until you notice none of your personal aspirations are being fulfilled. When you have this type of addiction, being by yourself can drive you insane. That is why when prisons put inmates in solitary confinement, the inmates start losing their mind. Solitary confinement is now considered cruel and unusual punishment. By nature, humans are social creatures, but if you want to achieve your personal goals, you have to walk the path less traveled.

When you have a socializing addiction, you need to have approval of the pack for your ideas and expressions. The only person in the circle that might be achieving their goal is the one with the alpha personality. To conquer your socializing addiction, you have to find activities that you can do by yourself. Activities like writing and drawing, creating music, studying a skill like computer programming or carpentry. You also have to do some meditating and contemplating to seek the answers within. 

7. Sex

Sex is the addiction that everybody loves. It’s almost a crime to call it an addiction because the universe became what it is through the mingling of yin and yang. We are all here through an act of sex. The reason it is an addiction is because a lot of times it is abused to the point it becomes a risk to your health and wellbeing. A sex addiction can lower your libido. It can destroy friendships. It can put you in dangerous situations. It can dismantle families. 

A great way to conquer your sex addiction is through exersize. Taking up a hobby can curb your sexual appetite. Meditating and contemplating is what will take you to the root of your addiction. Even though sex is the ultimate dopemine rush, a lot of men use it to boost their ego, and a lot of woman use it to get the love they are looking for. You have to realize that nobody focuses on you more than you. You can make a change, and the world will accept that. 

8. Drama

A drama addiction is a dangerous one. It’s hard to keep friends, and you will gain a lot of foes with this monkey on your back. A drama addict is considered a trouble maker. You won’t be happy unless everybody around you is bumping heads. This addiction is a trait of a narcissist. The beautiful thing is there is a root to everybody’s shadow self. Whether in this life or some past life There was a condition that you were under to cause this personality trait. The key is to go deep into the soul and find out what it is. 

Meditation and contemplation can ease your drama addiction. Compassion and understanding are mental tools you can use to get clarity. Put yourself in other people’s shoes. Look through the eyes of others to see things from a broader perspective. Maybe you can redirect that energy into something positive like comedy, movie script writing, or acting.  

9. Pain

A pain addiction can be caused by lack of self love, a need for attention, delusion, depression, or anger. This addiction needs to be addressed immediately because it can lead to the unthinkable. Studying your birth chart and analyzing your circumstances in life can put things in perspective. Martial arts is a great outlet to curb your pain addiction. 

Pain addiction coupled with the wrong social ideology can be dangerous. You need to step outside yourself and look at the world from above with an understanding eye.  You need to talk to your past self and your future self and get supreme clarity. You should talk to your shadow self and have a good laugh at yourself and realize things aren’t that bad.

10. Gambling

A gambling addiction can be more expensive than a narcotics one. Gamblers are always chasing that winning feeling. The problem is the one’s running the glambling rackets are not in the business of losing money. If you are constantly gambling, you can’t come out on top. Now there are professional gamblers who understand risk management and could beat the system. Those individuals usually get banned from gambling establishments, and they get black listed across the network.

Gamblers are risk takers. They experience high highs and low lows emotionally. Meditating and deep breathing exercises could be beneficial. Finding other high adrenaline activities can curb your craving for rolling the dice. Getting a gaming console like a Playstation or Xbox is a great substitution for gambling. Instead of betting for money, bet for push up or sit ups. You can conquer your gambling addiction and get in shape at the same time.


Behavioral addictions can be just as bad as controlled substance abuse. Use your spiritual tools to master your demons. Study your birth chart to see what the universe says about you. Study the dharma for insight and wisdom. Talk to your shadow self and have a good laugh. Alter your reality and travel down a different timeline. Meditate and contemplate and go deep into your subconscious to find some answers. Thanks for checking out this manifesto. Supreme MoonBeam. Peace.


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