Five Lwas From The Rada Family Of Voodoo


In all Voodoo ceremonies, the first thing that you do is give your prayers to Bondye. He is the supreme being. Without his consent, nothing is possible. After that, you deal with the first family of lwas which is the Rada family. This is the family of lwas that came from Africa before the slave ships arrived in the Caribbean. The lwas from this family are more deep rooted in the original traditions of Voodoo. 

The Rada family of lwas descend from royal African families, Elements of nature like thunder and lightning, and majestic animals. These lwas give knowledge and guidance, and they are considered more calmer than the second family of lwas which are the Petro lwas that come from war and the turmoil of slavery. Now let's talk about the Met Tet.

What Is The Met Tet?

Before we get into the lwas of the Rada family, let's talk about the Met Tet. The Met Tet is the master of the head. This is the lwa that has been with you since birth. This spirit has been giving you protection and guidance throughout your life whether you knew it or not. In order to find out who is your Met Tet, you have to get in touch with a houngan or mambo. This person will let you know who has been walking by your side from the invisible world. Now, let’s talk about the lwas. 

Papa Legba

Papa Legba is the gatekeeper between the two worlds, the visible and invisible. Before you communicate with any lwa, you have to reach out to Papa Legba. He is the one that can give the permission to proceed on. He is one that speaks all human and nonhuman languages.
He has a great sense of humor, and he is also known as a trickster. Papa Legba loves animals, and he is always seen with dogs.

Papa Legba is one of the most famous lwas, and he is always seen in pop culture. He is an old man that walks with a cane, a top hat on his head, and he dresses like a ragamuffin. Papa Legba’s origin goes back to the Dahomey kingdom in West Africa. Even when you communicate with the lwas of the Petro family, you first have to deal with Papa Legba. The only entity that you reach out to before Papa Legba is Bondye which is the most high. Before any Voodoo ceremony or communication with the lwas, you have to say your prayers to Bondye. 


Marassa are the ancient-child twins. They are named Cosmas and Damian. Their child-like innocence makes them speak truth with no discretion. These twins expect a lot of attention and affection. They like to be spoiled. The Marassa twins love to relate to children. When there are children at the ceremony, you should observe how they act to correlate if the Marassa twins are happy or sad. 

When you communicate with the twins through your altar, it is a good idea to leave stuff like candy and toys to show love and respect to the twins. These lwas are all about imagination, enjoyment, emotions, and protection. You have to do whatever you can to satisfy these lwas. They need to be treated like you would treat your own children or any child in the community. When you show these lwas love, you will be rewarded with joy and happiness.

Papa Loko

Papa Loko is the first high priest of Voodoo. This lwa is highly regarded by the houngans and mambos which are Voodoo priests and priestesses. Papa Loko is all wise and righteous. He will show you the right path to travel when you need guidance. He is strict and knows and follows all the rules of the Voodoo practice. Some say he lives in the Poto Mitan which is the pole in the middle of the ceremony that connects the Earth and the Heavens. 

Papa Loko is known to shake a sacred rattle, and he is a master herbal healer. He is very serious about the rules and regulation of the priesthood. When one is physically ill, the houngan or mambo will communicate with Papa Loko for the remedy. Papa Loko also believes if your conduct is corrected, your illness will be healed. All the participants of a ceremony must be on their best behavior when Papa Loko joins the event. 

Danbala Wedo

Danbala Wedo is known as the big white snake. He is considered to be the first creation of Bondye. He is the one that created all living things in the Universe and on Earth. Since he is so ancient, he does not speak. He had the ability to create all living things because he can exist in water as well as land. His nature is pure and clean, so when a person is possessed by Danbala Wedo, you can’t touch that person if you have dirty hands. 

The big white snake is kind, compassionate, and patient. He has a deep understanding of the human experience and the experience of all living things. When you want to serve him through your altar, you should put foods that are white on the surface. Foods like coconut, potatoes, and rice are great offerings. Danbala Wedo is the lwa you want to communicate with when you are going through emotional and mental problems like depression, anxiety, laziness, and fear. 

Sobo And Bade

Sobo and Bade are brothers who are ancestors of royalty of the Dahomeyan kingdom in Africa. These brothers represent thunder and lightning. They are military generals. Their mentality and culture is strict, sharp, and militant. These lwas are invited when it’s time for war. The war does not have to involve guns and violence. It could be a war within yourself, a battle in the family, or a conflict in the community that needs a resolution. 

Offerings are given to these lwas for serious issues. Their communications must be taken seriously. They can give good diplomatic guidance to avoid unnecessary conflict. The best military generals are victorious with minimal collateral damage. What is the point of going to war when the spoils are destroyed? The type of stuff you can put on your altar that can make these brothers happy can be a compass, a knife, and a cup of water.


One of the main aspects of Voodoo is to serve the lwas. It is important to have a relationship with the lwas. With the blessing of Bondye, the lwas can assist and guide you through life. In Haiti, there is a saying that goes “Some are Catholic, some are Christian, some are other religions, but all are Voodoo.” We talked about five lwas from the Rada family. In future videos, we will talk about more from this family and from others. Thanks for checking out this manifesto. Supreme MoonBeam. Peace.


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