Venus In The Zodiac Signs


Venus In The Signs

The planet Venus position is what everybody wants to know about. This is the planet of love, fun, and money. Wherever Venus is on your birth chart indicates a lot about your love life, things you enjoy, and how you spend your money. A lot of love predictions are determined by Venus' position. 

Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. Other than the Sun and the Moon, Venus is the most visible planet from Earth. Venus’ position tells a lot about your raw animal instincts and pleasures. A Venus day is longer Than a Venus year which represents making the best of your time and enjoying yourself.

Venus In Aries

People with Venus in Aries love hard. They are the type to pursue their love interest with aggression. They have charm, a good sense of humor, and wittiness. These people like to be the ones in control of their relationships. They are known to be adventurous in the sack. Venus in Aries could be one of the two greatest lovers in the zodiac.

When it comes to fun and money, these people spend with little regard. There is no limit to a good time. It would be a good idea to let someone else handle the fiduciary responsibilities when out on the town. Aries in Venus people are a blast to be around. They will keep you laughing, and excitement is not too far away.

Venus In Taurus

Venus-Taurus people look for long-term relationships. These people love warmth and security. They are known to spoil their partners. People with this planetary position will create a dwelling that has all the creature comforts. Their love style is slow and steady. A relationship with Venus-Taurus individuals will be built on stability and luxury.

Jealousy and possessiveness could be some of the negative traits for the people with Venus in Taurus. These people love the finer things in life. Their beds will have silk sheets and the windows will have designer curtains. The walls will be draped with fine art and big screen TVs. This person will wine and dine you at the finest restaurants, and you will have front seats at all the events.

Venus In Gemini

People with Venus in Gemini are stimulated by mental energy. These people express their emotions through words and thoughts. Great conversation and a sense of humor will go far with these folks. Brainstorming and exchanging ideas will keep these people around. Dirty talk in the bedroom is the ultimate aphrodisiac in their eyes. 

People with this planetary position are not into deep emotions when it comes to relationships. They enjoy having casual friends. To be their lover, you have to connect on a mental level. They have to respect you intellectually. If you are not an idealist or a master at some field, the Venus in Gemini person could lose interest in you.

Venus In Cancer

Venus in Cancer people are romantic, old fashion, and caring when it comes to love and relationships. These people are not looking for flings and affairs. Their idea of love revolves around traditions and family. They are sensual, giving, and receptive to their partner’s needs. People with this planetary position love to reminisce on past romantic encounters.

Love is an important part of a Venus-in-Cancer person’s life. To them, love is the foundation of family which is the nature of their existence. These people can spoil their partners, and what you give them, they will give back tenfold. The issue with these people is that their love and giving can turn into jealousy and obsession.

Venus In Leo

Love and romance is a grandiose thing for people with Venus in Leo. A simple night out for dinner can turn into a production. Venus-Leo people love to spoil their partners and love to be spoiled in return. These people can be very generous, and they do not hide the fact that they're in love. Dancing, laughing, and public displays of affection are expected with a night on the town with these folks.

 The spotlight is home for Venus-Leo patrons. Attention is an aphrodisiac for them. They are not conservative when it comes to spending money. They like the best of the best.The best way to keep them on your good side is to cater to their ego. Showering them with compliments will get you far. People with Venus in Leo need to be aware of people that try to manipulate them by stroking their ego.

Venus In Virgo

It’s the little things these people do that make relationships with them magical.  Venus in Virgo people are tentative lovers. They are there to satisfy all of your needs in and out of the bedroom. Cooking, cleaning, keeping things in order is what they do best. These people are nurturers. They show their love through service rather than communication. Don’t expect them to tell you how they feel about you. If they tend to your needs, that is a sign that you are in their heart. 

These people don’t like attention. The glitz and glamor don’t turn them on. Their love style is down to Earth. When they nag and criticize you, that is their way of saying they care. They will subtly make your life so comfortable that if you leave them you will miss all the detailed things they do. Don’t take their negative talk personally. That is their way of saying they love you. 

Venus In Libra

Class and finesse is what the Venus in Libra people are about. They are not into dramatic hostile love affairs. Crass, obnoxious people turn them off. They are masters with words, and their verbiage is used to smoothen out cantankerous encounters. These people are so good with their conversation that they can manipulate people to get what they want. 

Venus in Libra people appreciate the arts and music. Drinks at a piano bar or a stroll through an art gallery is an ideal date for these folks. They will impress you with their knowledge on these subjects. Libra is an air sign, so if you can’t stimulate them mentally, the relationship can be short lived. Venus in Libra folks need people around them, and they are great people to have around to keep the peace.

Venus In Scorpio

Passion, intensity, and loyalty are the traits of Venus in Scorpio people. These folks love hard. Relationships are their forte. They are not into casual flings. They want that special someone that they can give their all to. A strong deep bond is what they are looking for. They need that one person that they can express their deepest desires and sexual fantasies with.

If you are looking for a long-term relationship, a Venus-in-Scorpio person might be right for you. These people will give you their all to the point that it can become a problem if that turns you off. On the positive note, you will experience ecstasy to the highest levels. Don’t try to fool these people and play with their heart. Their intense love and passion can turn into hate and jealousy, and they can be the most cunning at getting revenge. 

Venus In Sagittarius

Adventure, excitement, and good times is what it is like to be in a relationship with folks with Venus in Sagittarius. These people love to go out, vacation, and try new things. If you are a homebody, these people might not be right for you. Venus-in-Sagittarius people are looking for somebody they can grow with spiritually. They need someone to laugh and dance all night with. 

In the bedroom, these people are willing to try anything. They will do whatever it takes to make their mate happy in that department. If you have a negative outlook on life or are dealing with depression, you will turn these people off. They will do whatever it takes to get you out of your funk. Love and adventure go hand in hand when dealing with these folks. 

Venus In Capricorn

Status, image, and security are important in a relationship for people with Venus in Capricorn. These people are looking for a long-lasting, traditional relationship. They will go above and beyond to make the union work. The last thing they want is a failed relationship. They may be reserved in the bedroom to maintain a persona of conservativeness. 

These people do have an uninhibited erotic side, but it needs to be drawn out by someone they trust. If you are good with money and are realistic with your aspirations, you can fall right into the heart of a person with Venus in Capricorn. These people want to build their relationships on a strong foundation. 

Venus In Aquarius

Casual, untethered, open friendships are what Venus-in-Aquarius people consider relationships. These people want to have an intellectual and spiritual bond with their mates rather than a traditional union. People with this planetary position are capable of having multiple lovers, and everybody just getting along. From the way these people communicate, they can convince their partner that we should all get along.

Jealousy and possessiveness are complete turn offs to these folks. When it comes to relationships, these people are progressive thinkers. They like to socialize and exchange ideas with multiple people. To them, in order to have a good relationship, you have to be good friends. What is the point of having a union with an enemy or somebody that does not stimulate you mentally. 

Venus In Pisces

People with this planetary position love love; they love giving love, and they love receiving love. Their love life is what the average tear-jerker movie is made of. These people don’t care who you are in society or how much money you have. They are attracted to your personality, kindness, and quirks. 

Venus-in-Pisces folks do not give up on their love interests when they are going through hard times. They will stick with you through thick and thin. These people know the meaning of unconditional love. They have a sensitive, artistic way of expressing their love style that can drive their mate crazy. Kindness, honesty, and humor can take you a long way with these folks. 


Venus is the planet of love, fun, and beauty. Wherever this planet is placed on your birth chart can show how you express these attributes. A lot of people want to know what is going on with their Venus position. What sign is it in? What house is it in? How it aspects with the other planets and elements of the birth chart? Go to to get a personalized birth chart, and you can start seeing some things. 

Thanks for checking out this manifesto. Supreme MoonBeam Peace.


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