Mercury In The Zodiac Signs


Peace to all the masters of the universe. Today’s lesson is about The planet Mercury in the signs. Mercury is the planet of intelligence and communication. Besides the Moon, Mercury is the fastest moving planet on the birth chart. The sign that Mercury is in will characterize how information is processed by an individual. Mercury within a sign will also show how that person interacts and communicates with others.

Mercury In Aries

When the planet Mercury is in Aries, this magnifies a quick-witted person. Aries has the energy of act first and think later. Mercury represents intelligence, so the person with Mercury in Aries will be a straight shooter. This person will speak what’s on their mind with no filter. While socializing, a Mercury-Aries person will say thought-provoking and humorous stuff. 

The Mercury-in-Aries person will be a trendsetter. These people’s ideas will be original and a sign of the times. People with the Mercury-Aries sign will do well at writing movie scripts, starting new businesses, and they could have a good experience in sales.  

Mercury In Taurus

The planet of intelligence and communication in the sign of the bull, Mercury in Taurus. People with this planetary placement are practical thinkers. The members of this group like to stick to proven methods of thoughts that get results. Abstract theories and off-the-wall scams do not get their juices flowing. 

Mercury-in-Taurus people deal with facts. These are the type of people that like to read autobiographies and watch documentaries. These people have a knack to sense lucrative opportunities that have stability. Mercury-Taurus folks can smell get-rich-quick schemes and expose them. 

Mercury In Gemini

Mercury in Gemini is like a double-dose of intellect and communication. This sign and planet share the same characteristics. People with this planetary placement will be sharp-tongued and persuasive speakers. These people will have knowledge on a broad range of subject matter. Members of this clan absorb information like a sponge. 

The problem with these people is that when they speak, they do not take people's feelings into consideration. These people think on a logical plane, and talking is their thing. Mercury-Gemini people are also great listeners, so be careful what you say around them. They will process your speech in a split second and confront you about inaccuracies. 

Mercury In Cancer

Mercury-in-cancer people communicate with the recipients of their words, feelings taken into consideration. These people absorb vibes as they exchange information. When these people talk, their words are authoritative because they mostly listen and rarely speak. These people have good memories, and they have a file in their mind for every individual that they deal with. 

These people like to deal socially on a one-on-one basis because they have a unique way to interact with each person according to their emotional temperature. In large groups, these people are usually quiet, but when the group shrinks, these people will open up and can be quite charismatic. 

Mercury In Leo

Members of this clan are smooth, confident communicators. They are intelligent, creative, and calculated risk takers. These people’s mentality radiates on an optimistic frequency. On the birth chart, Mercury is usually close to the Sun, so the Leo mentality and essence coincide with each other. 

The Mercury-Leo people’s mind is built to handle multiple thought schemes at once. This is what makes them great hosts at social events. They can schmooze and peruse in different circles as they entertain all their guests with their magnetic communication skills. Mercury- Leo people who haven’t mastered their Mercurial energy can be argumentative.  

Mercury In Virgo

The great organizer, observer, and enforcer of law and order, this is the mentality of people with Mercury in Virgo. When these people communicate, it is to let you know how things are supposed to be done.  These people think in terms of sequential steps. They know how to tackle tasks in an efficient manner.  

The Mercury-Virgo people have the mind of a perfectionist. Their mind does not drift too far into the past or the future. Their focus is on what needs to be done now. These people express themselves as if they are complaining about how things are, but they find joy in helping others and getting things in order. 

Mercury In Libra

People with Mercury in Libra are the epitome of diplomacy. These people’s mentality is to observe from the outside, and perceive things from all angles. These people think objectively even if they are the subject of the situation. 

Communication is an art that the Mercury-Libra people master in. These folks know how to put people at ease. They know how to talk to people without being offensive. These people think in an unbiased fashion. Mercury-Libra people flourish in social environments. Socializing is their thing, and these people have a lot of information to keep their guests entertained. 

Mercury In Scorpio

Every word that comes out of a Mercury in Scorpio person’s mouth is with a purpose. These people think before they speak. When they talk, it can be words of motivation, deep contemplation, or some type of manipulation. These people don’t just go around running off at the mouth. The Scorpio mentality is too cool and cautious for that.

Mercury-Scorpio people think on a soulful level. Their main objective is to find out what makes you tick. The only way to do that is to go into the subconscious plane. The times they are not talking, they are observing you. These people want to know what your ulterior motives are. From their perspective, they think that everybody is dealing with some type of jealousy, envy, or greed, and they want to stay on top of all that.

Mercury in Sagittarius

Optimism is the keyword when it comes to Mercury in Sagittarius. These people speak with vigor and confidence. Mercury-in-Sagittarius people look at life and situations from the grand perspective. They leave the detail-oriented stuff to the Virgos. People with this planetary profile keep their mind on the exciting and adventurous. Daily, mundane activities do not turn them on. 

When you communicate with these people, humor can be your best tool. Mercury-in-Sagittarius people love to laugh. These people don't think about plans for the future. They want to know where the next party is? If you are not talking about something fun, they do not want to hear it. When you are down in the dumps, talk to one of these people. They will motivate you to get the ball rolling.

Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury-in-Capricorn people think with purpose and principle. They also think methodically and practically. When these people make decisions, their status and stature is first taken into consideration. These people’s minds do not drift. They tackle one issue at a time, unless their mental capacities are able to multitask effectively. 

These people communicate in a serious manner. They are solution-oriented people. When you seek these people for advice, you might not get the answer you want to hear, but it may be the answer you need. There is no time for games with these people. When you want to discuss business or problem solving, These are the gurus of those departments. 

Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury-in-Aquarius people are the original thinkers of the zodiac. The crazy thing is that their thought patterns are very effective. They know and see things that others cannot grasp. These people think outside of the box. They are not entertained by the average-joe’s ideas. They want to hear the off-the-wall theories and concepts. 

Communication with these people will be thought provoking and unique. These people could be interested in science fiction and philosophy. If your conversation is not mentally stimulating, they will lose interest in you. If you want to keep these people entertained, you better know some good jokes or riddles, or you better have some new information they have never heard of before.

Mercury in Pisces

Mercury-in-Pisces people think with their gut. Forget about the facts, faith and destiny trump those. These people do not think their way through situations, they feel their way through. They see the subtleties that most don’t recognize. They know the vibe and temperature in all circles. These people are master adaptors, like the octopus. 

When these people communicate, it is practically poetic. They will gracefully dance around your feelings to make you feel comfortable with every word they speak. They can detect what mood you are in, and they will carefully choose the right words to accommodate the situation. If you let these people talk, their conversation will drift into fantasy and utopian ideologies. 


There is a lot of information contained within a birth chart. Your job as the astrologer is to see how all the energies and components fit together. The planet Mercury is all about the mental. Usually, Mercury is placed close to your Sun sign. This is because your Mind state is closely associated with your true essence. 

When you read a person’s birth chart, you have to take the other factors in their life into consideration before doing the reading. For example, love for a pimp could mean something different than love for a devout Christian. Ten thousand dollars could be a lot to the average person, but it’s a little bit to a multimillionaire. 

Thanks for checking out this manifesto. Supreme Moonbeam. Peace.


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