What Is Your Moon Sign?


In astrology, the Moon is the luminary that represents your emotions, subconscious, and habits. The Moon is the fastest planet that moves on the birth chart. Just like your emotions, the Moon can change its position in the blink of an eye. The Moon is the most visually beautiful heavenly body in the sky. The Sun is the most powerful, but you cannot stare at the Sun. The Moon is mysterious, alluring, and hypnotizing. You can stare at the Moon all night and let your feelings encapsulate you. 

Your main sign, which is the essence of your being, is your Sun sign, but your Moon sign is just as important. Your Moon sign can illustrate your natural habits and tendencies. You can be a fiery Aries but have a water Moon sign, which can give you a cooler temperament. The birth chart is like a picture drawn by an artist with a lot of details. It is your job as the astrologer to interpret those intricacies. 

You can find out what your Moon sign is by entering your birth information at astro.com or any other astrology website. Now let’s get into the Moon in the signs.

The Moon In Aries

Aries is a highly volatile sign. When your moon is in Aries, you will display your emotional side with force and hot temperaments. Members of the Arien-Moon club are proactive with their moves. When they have a feeling in their gut, they seek gratification right away. Aries is the sign of the pioneers, trendsetters, and trailblazers. If your Moon is in Aries, your hunches and instincts take first priority. 

People with their lunar position in Aries feel uncomfortable in daily routines. These people need challenges, conflict, and adversity to keep their battery charged. These people’s mood swings range from high, to very high, back to high and rarely goes below that. The good thing about these folks is that they do not wallow in their feelings. They will move on to the next as soon as they enter.

The Moon In Taurus

The planets and luminaries in astrology have different energies, and the signs display certain characteristics. The Moon is about your emotions, habits, and subconscious, and Taurus has the bullish characteristic. People who have their Moon in Taurus emotionally are steady, unwavering, and stubborn. These people are set in their ways. Emotionally, they are looking for stability. 

People with their Moon in Taurus do not fly off the handle in emotional outbursts, but if they are pushed and provoked, their rage can last a long time until their appetite for redemption is satisfied. When your Moon is in Taurus, you strive to build a financial stronghold for security. Your home is where the heart is, and material possessions make you happy.

The Moon In Gemini 

People with the Moon in Gemini can be busy bodies. These folks have lots of interests, and to conquer boredom, they jump from subject to subject on a regular basis. The patrons of this planetary position love to mingle, and they are great conversationalists. With their flexible style, they love to multitask. Even though the Moon represents emotions, people with the Moon in Gemini rarely take others' feelings into consideration. These people operate on a more intellectual level.

Being that the Moon radiates the energy of your subconscious, Gemini-Moon people have a habit of reorganizing their living quarters. These people are full of ideas, and they need to have the right configurations for the right moments. When it comes to conversation and witty rebuttals, the lunar twins shoot them like a gatling gun.  

The Moon In Cancer

People with Moon in Cancer have a high level of empathy. When the Moon is in Cancer, it is at home. Those with this planetary position look for security and warmth. They do not like to be around confrontational people. Their home is well protected because they need a place to go to for peace of mind and safeguarding. These people value their solitude because they can live comfortably in their own mind and emotions.

The Cancer Moon people have a way with words. They have a great sense of humor, and if they choose, they can be the life of the party. They turn this feature about their personality on and off at will because most times they do not like the attention. Moon in Cancer people feel obligated to those who show them love and kindness. 

The Moon In Leo

Those with The Moon in Leo love to share. Whatever they have, they give freely. These people give love and attention to those they care about, and they expect that same affection back. When a person’s Moon is in Leo, it gives that individual the feeling of regalness, courage, and strength, like the lion. This person also wants their partner to have those same qualities. When you enter an event or social circle, you want to show the image of a king and queen.

The Leo Moon people have a big problem with people being dishonest with them. People who lie are dropped down to the bottom of the totem pole. The Lunar Leo people feel that they are natural born leaders. When it comes to business, they seize all opportunities to advance. Ambition is their trademark. Competition is their motivation.

The Moon In Virgo

Virgo Moon people do not voluntarily share their emotions. Their loved ones receive affection through service rather than verbal affirmation. Lunar Virgos may have a mean disposition, but their actions are the opposite. These people feel like they are the ones that have to maintain law and order. Perfection is what the Virgo sign represents, so when those who Have the Moon in Virgo see chaos, it irks them.

Moon Virgos do good when they are helping people. They thrive in the education and healthcare fields. Social services is another field they would do well in. When a Virgo Moon person is feeling depressed or feels like something is void from their lives, volunteer work is a quick remedy. Soup kitchens, neighborhood trash cleanup, and youth programs are good places lunar Virgos can find peace and purpose. 

The Moon In Libra

Libra Moon people have a diplomatic personality. They know how to talk to people in order to avoid conflict. Peace and fairness is what these folks strive for. They are objective minded people who see all sides of a situation. Their friends seek them for council because lunar Virgos know all the ways to maneuver through situations unharmed.

Lunar Libras love to socialize. They enjoy music and the arts. Their choice of words and conversation is engaging. They do not like to bicker and debate. When a disagreement occurs, they will agree to disagree. Those with strong and convictive personalities tend to look at Moon Libra people as yes men. The Moon Libra doesn’t care though. Their objective is to be fair and keep the peace.

The Moon In Scorpio

Passion is the keyword when dealing with lunar Scorpios. Clandestine moves with a hush hush persona Gives the Moon Scorpion a mysterious aura. These people stay on the alert because from their perspective, they are interested in what the next person is feeling and thinking. They are quiet, and they do not let people know their business.

When it comes to love and intimacy, the Moon Scorpion shines. They are loyal, and their chosen partner will be flooded with intense romance and erotica. These people expect loyalty in return. They want to bond with their partner on every level. To them, life needs to be experienced on an emotional level to find true meaning.

The Moon In Sagittarius

Sagittarius Moon people are adventurous. They don’t like to be indoors. These people have an optimistic view on life. They have thick skin, so it takes a lot to hurt their feelings. When you are feeling down, these are the people you see for that motivational pep talk. They have a lot of friends, but some could take their kindness for weakness. Taking risks and exploring uncharted territories is what keeps these people going.

These people are not too financially responsible because luck is on their side. In their eyes, money comes and money goes. Sagittarius Moon people value experiences over material gains. Karma usually works in their favor because they have a big heart. If you feel like sulking and expressing the problems in your life, Sagittarius Moon people do not want to hear all of that. This behavior is the quickest way to repel them.

The Moon In Capricorn

The Capricorn Moon people have a serious demeanor. Their enjoyment comes from taking care of business. Image and status are two of their top priorities. These people are true natural born leaders. They know how to separate themselves and put people in position. The more socially inclined people view Capricorn in Moon members as not being in touch. 

These people do not like to joke around. They laugh and smile when money is being made and projects are completed. Friendship with these people is an acquired taste. Just feel lucky if they accept you as a friend. Slackers and those with casual behaviors are not held in high regard by the Capricorn Moon people. On a positive note, these are the people you want to be around when you want to upgrade your lifestyle.

The Moon In Aquarius

Aquarius Moon people conflict with their emotional side. The Aquarius sign is all about deep thought and intellectual matters. These attributes oppose the emotions that the Moon represents. People with the Moon in Aquarius present a persona of not being in tune with others feelings. They themselves could have a hard time dealing with their own emotions.

People with the Moon in Aquarius like to use their intellect to arouse emotional reactions in others. They can have unique, off the wall ideas that can cause shock and confusion. These characteristics make the Aquarius Moon people very interesting. On the social front, these people can have a lot of friends, and a lot of issues will be discussed and tackled.

The Moon In Pisces

People with the Moon in Pisces are intuitive and empathetic. These folks feel the people's emotions around them. People with this planetary position are the ones everybody consoles with. They have a warm demeanor, and they are good listeners. They are also very observant.
Periodically it is necessary for these people to withdraw from all social circles so they can recharge.

The Moon Pisces people do good in the arts. They love music and drawing. The freedom to express and be unrestricted is what art means to them. These people don’t operate on a logical or practical plane. They are into vibrations and feelings, and this works for them. The Pisces Moon people can’t work in jobs or careers they are uncomfortable with because of the money. These are the type of people that will wait until the right opportunity presents itself so they can pounce. 


When you read a birth chart, all things are looked at and a picture is drawn. You have to look at the degrees of planetary positions and aspects. The chart patterns can be observed. Which elements and qualities are dominant. Plus a few other things. 

Your Moon sign is almost as important as your Sun sign. Take this information and let it marinate in your brain.

Thank you for checking out this manifesto.  Peace.


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