Five Benefits Of Meditation


When it comes to your spiritual journey, meditation is one of the most powerful tools to enhance your experience. Meditation is used to gain self control on multiple levels of existence. You can also build and direct your inner power with meditation and breathing exercises. Meditation is a broad subject that has many different tentacles like computer science or psychology. In this manifesto, I’m going to build on five benefits of meditation and breathing exercises. 

Cooling The Brain And The Nervous System

Meditation and deep breathing exercises massage the brain and the nervous system. This in turn relaxes you and gives clarity with your thinking process. The nervous system deals with a lot of stress throughout the day, so even a 1 to 5 deep breath exercise periodically can have tremendous positive effects. This is especially potent when you encounter frustration and anger.

The nervous system reaches all parts of the body. With deep breathing and visual guidance, any part of the body can receive the soothing and healing benefits of meditation. It is important to observe the nervous system while meditating. Studying anatomy on the internet and with books can enhance your meditative journey. 

Expanding The Lungs And Cleansing And Charging The Blood

Meditation focuses on breathing exercises. When you take deep breaths, the oxygen from the atmosphere enters the lungs and cleanses the blood. The deeper and slower you inhale and exhale, the more blood gets cleansed and charged. The blood is responsible for traveling throughout the body and nourishing, cleaning, and healing all systems of the physical form. 

With certain meditation techniques, physical healing is promoted and stimulated. Not only does the lungs bring oxygen into the bloodstream, it also removes waste from the body in the form of carbon dioxide. Breathing is the only function of the body that is done automatically and through the will. If you do not focus on your breathing, your body will take over naturally. 


Now is the magic moment. Meditation brings you to the present time. Mindfulness is being aware of your current situation, what is going on in your internal universe and your external environment, and the sensations you are experiencing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. When you focus on now, you can see yourself actually grow like a seed into a big beautiful tree.

There is an ancient Buddhist text about mindfulness called the  Satipatthana Sutta. You can find this literature online for free. This text goes deep into the contemplation of mindfulness. No matter how rich or poor you are, everybody only gets 24 hours of time in a day. Mindfulness helps you maximize that time to keep you a step ahead of the game. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools to keep you mindful. 

Entering The Trance State

We are now getting into the exciting benefits of meditation which is entering the trance state and traveling on other planes of reality. Seeing visions, communicating with others, and dealing with the spirits are all part of entering the trance state. These levels of meditation are reached when you go deep into a relaxed state which is on the border of the sleep state. 

These levels of consciousness can guide you through life and give you sight beyond sight. Meditation on this level promotes your intuition, mind reading, and seeing the future. All of your spiritual practices from astrology, tarot reading, and religious discipline will be enhanced with these levels of meditation. 

Building And Directing Your Chi Or Energy

Through breathing exercises and consciousness, you can direct your chi throughout your physical body and life. The basic definition of chi is the breath or the air. It is also known as the life force. With daily practice and exercise, you will notice how the chi energy soothes and heals the different parts of the body. You can also direct the chi outside your body towards situations and circles you are dealing with.

Thoughts, emotions, and spirit travel on similar frequencies as chi. When you combine your thoughts and emotions with the breath, you can direct your focus and intentions. The world consists of solid, liquid, and gasses. People recognize and are comfortable with solids and liquids more because they are visible to the naked eye. Gasses are also around, but most are invisible. On the gaseous plane is where chi, thought, emotions, and spirits exist.


To reach the highest of heights on your spiritual travels, you have to incorporate meditation in your practices. Meditation does not have to be a boring activity that can not be tolerated. There are many different types of meditations that address different objectives. In future videos I will build on different types of meditative techniques. 

I hope this content gave you some type of enlightenment to elevate to. The physical plane is only the tip of the iceberg of existence. Meditation is a tool used to travel on the other side, and it is beneficial to your physical structure. 
Thanks for checking out this manifesto. Supreme MoonBeam. Peace. 


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