African Astrology


African Astrology

Peace to all those out there. We are going to talk about African astrology. To be specific, we are talking about West African and Sub-Saharan astrology. There are other parts of Africa that have different forms of astrology, like in Egypt and other countries in Northern Africa.

The astrology we are talking about could be the most ancient form of the science. The Africans recognized 12 signs and they incorporated it with geomancy. Geomancy is a form of divination. In this art, bones are thrown on a surface and how they land is interpreted by the astrologist.

Three bones are used in this form of geomancy and the way they land corresponds to the 12 signs of the zodiac. Here are the 12 African zodiac signs. 

The Baobab Tree

January 4 to February 3

People born under this sign are honest and charitable. They have a good sense of society. That is why they do good in business. They are persistent and understand what it takes to reach their goals. Their vision is aligned with the greater good, so the forces of the universe assist them along their path.

These people are solid and steadfast. They work for security, and they know how to manage finances. Usually, people born under the Baobab tree reach high positions within society. 

These people are strong, but their weakness is anxiety. This anxiety can lead to depression and slow down their inevitable growth. If these people can master that anxiety, they can shoot to the top real fast.

The Wealth of Amber and Silver

February 4 to March 5

People born under The Wealth of Amber and Silver are mentally sharp, and they have a wisdom about life that is tested and proven. These people stand firm on their convictions and are hard to sway. They know things that others don’t know, and it infuriates them when they are challenged.

People born under this sign find themselves at a fork in the road. On the left is material riches, which can easily be acquired with the mental abilities that these people possess. With these riches, there is a price to be paid. The fee could be the sacrifice of ethics and integrity.

On the right is inner riches that can be obtained by seeking peace and joy from within. People from The Wealth of Amber and Silver have a choice to go down either path and be successful. The question is which one will bring them true happiness?


March 6 to April 4

People born under the Family sign are selfless, caring, and conservative. Their goal in life is unity in the community. Their love and protection goes beyond blood family. They want to help all the children and members within the colony.

These people are good cooks, and they have the ability to cook for large groups. They know how to budget money, and love to keep a clean house. If a lot of children are around, they can tolerate a little mess and disorganization. 

Members of the Family sign do not entertain secrets and gossip that bring division within the clan. People with the family sign are the ones to settle quarrels and remind folks about the big picture.

Small Services to the Neighborhood

April 5 to May 4

The people of this sign are creative, social, and humorous. They move around the town creating bonds and friendships. They have magnetic personalities, and a knack to always be there for a friend in need.

These are the people that do the little things that add the beauty to the structural society. These people excel in the arts, nighttime fun,  and politics. Zingers and rebuttals fly off their tongue for a quick laugh or an insightful contemplation.

People under this sign need to find time to withdraw and seek self time. Their outgoing personality can spread them thin, and with so many people in their circle, true and fake friends become hard to differentiate.

The Market

May 5 to June 4

People born under the sign of the Market are on a journey to seek riches and conquer new horizons. These people have an inner desire to provide security and means to their loved ones. The people of the Market are positive thinkers. They do not dwell on the hurdles on the path to success.

Market signed people believe in equality and justice for all. They are not big fans of unjust treatment. After they gain their riches from their hard work and dedication early in their life, their next passion, more than likely, will be a humanitarian cause.
The thing these people need to look out for is putting their energy into people and causes that are not going anywhere. They need to pick their friends and lovers carefully because some people will try to take advantage of their kindness.

The Ancestor

June 5 to July 4

People born under the sign of the Ancestor have deep roots in their soul, and they manifest it as leadership in their community. These people are in tune with the invisible world. They have great wisdom, and people seek their words for guidance. 

Those with the Ancestor sign understand the pain and joy of people in their circle. The key for the Ancestor members is to not fall into the whirlwind of drama of people around them. These people govern their tribes not with financial power but with advice and council.

The key to success and happiness for people born under this sign is to stay grounded. Their mind can easily drift off into grandiose schemes when they haven’t tackled the tasks at hand.

The Judge

July 5 to August 4

People born under the sign of the Judge have a strong foundation. These people are solid, and they are hard to be swayed. People respect their honesty, and understand these people are on the right path.

The members of the Judge sign are alway deep in contemplation. Their inner world is rich and active. These people have no problem being alone because that is when all their work is done. The judge people have a militant persona. On the surface, it seems that they are not to be messed with. When you get to know them, they are very kind, funny, and just.

The issue with these people is that they can become detached from society. They can seem cold and unwilling to interact with others. These attributes can cause paranoia and depression.

The Kola Nut

August 5 to September 3

The people under the Kola Nut sign are all about freedom, risk taking, and adventure. These people have a big appetite for excitement. These are the people that bring change into the world. They are full of energy and live in the moment.

Sensitive, timid people do not feel comfortable around the Kola Nut tribe. Kola Nut people need tough skin individuals around them. People that can take the bumps and bruises of a wild trip.

These people believe in a direct path in life. With their positive attitude, they usually are victors of their missions. People are attracted to their high-risk style, and they are usually the center of attention. When you are headed into the unknown, it is a good idea to have a person with the Kola Nut sign with you.

The Traveler

September 4 to October 3 

The Traveler is a wandering soul. These people are sensitive, and they have to be careful of the company they keep. People under this sign are complicated individuals. There is a lot going on in their mind and soul. 

These people travel in multiple worlds. They are seeking for the answers for man’s shortcomings. They feel that they need to return to their village with the answers. These people are attracted to the poet and the philosopher. They want to spend time with the intellects so they can get fuel to figure things out.

The Traveler comes off as a person who is seeking control, but in all actuality, they are striving to bring peace to the chaos.  

The Distance

October 4 to November 3

People under the Distance sign are full of passion and desire. These people cannot adjust to the social norm. The Distance people are intellectual poets. They refuse to be tied down because life has too much to offer.

The world needs the people of the Distance sign because they push the envelope. The Distance people are the free thinkers that start revolutionary thought patterns. These people make good friends and diplomats.

Creativity is their signature. The last thing these people want is to be contained and restricted. When they are in a relationship, their partner has to be prepared for a journey. Their partner also has to respect the fact that life will no longer be stationary. 

The Child of the Word

November 4 to December 3
The Child of the Word people are social magnets. They thrive and shine in the community setting. These people are very generous, and they can be really delicate when it comes to communicating with others.

These people attract good luck in their lives. They move with grace and confidence, and they are on top of the latest trends. Their goal in life is to be comfortable and appreciated. 

The only thing that can stand it the way of the Child of the Word people is their pride. If they put their ego to the side, more good luck and fortune will come in their path. 

 The Harvest and the Granary

December 4 to January 3

The Harvest in the Granary members are those that have abundance, and they give freely and willingly. These people can get careless and reckless because the powers of the universe always help them land on their feet.

These people live an adventurous life, and they want to take their loved ones on their crazy missions. The patrons of the Harvest and the Granary are not materialistic, but they accumulate a lot of resources due to their power of attraction. 

These people have to be careful with the upbeat, cheerful style because they can attract the wrong people into their circle. Opportunists will seek these people and latch on to them like a leech. 


Astrology goes very far into human history. Our original ancestor looked up at the stars and mapped out the cosmos. The pyramids were aligned with the stars and the planets. The game doesn’t change only the players. 

Western and Sub-Saharan African astrology does not have a lot of documentation because people from these tribes did not record their knowledge. Their information was passed down through word of mouth. 

Thanks for checking out this video.  I have free beats on deck so you can freestyle and create musical spells to enhance your magic. Supreme MoonBeam Peace!


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