Develop Your Psychic Abilities

 Everybody has psychic abilities. The question is, are you aware of them, and how can you develop these talents? Being psychic means being super sensitive, ultra observative, empathetic, and understanding. Quiet the mind, listen, watch, and you will see things that were right in front of you but flew under the radar. 

Understanding life’s patterns and sequences to make predictions. Being aware of symbols and signs for guidance. Looking at life through the lenses of others without bias. Feeling the vibrations of your surroundings. Tapping into the universal mind and seeing visions. These are all attributes of  psychic abilities. 

Just like any topic of interest, this subject has been analyzed and broken down for many years. People have come together and created bodies of work with terms and exercises, universal concepts, and plenty of literature that most people in this field refer to.

But you know how I do it. I take the conventional knowledge and interpret it through my understanding. When the student is ready the teacher will come. 

When dealing with psychic abilities, information is received through heightened senses. This can mean a heightened visual sense, a heightened audible sense, a heightened sense of touch, smell, or taste. Another sense is a mental sense which is just knowing.

Some people are stronger in one or two of these senses and weaker in the others. At the beginning of your psychic journey it is best to develop your naturally gifted senses so you can get a taste of the psychic life. After some time and comfortability with your strong senses, you can work on the other senses.

The psychic journey is a personal one. What works for others may not work for you. Being psychic is having compassion for all living things. Being psychic is using your supreme intelligence. Being psychic is listening to your heart, observation without judgement, listening and feeling, studying patterns of behavior, and meditating and receiving messages.

One of the main tools to develop your psychic abilities is to meditate. Through meditation, you will travel the invisible worlds. You will see things beyond the masks that people wear in society.
Through meditation, you will enter a trance state where you will exist in the universal mind that everybody shares.

As you meditate, you will enter your subconscious mind where you will come face to face with your deep-rooted emotions. You will encounter the living and nonliving spirits. You will see things that most don’t see. 

When you develop your psychic abilities, you start to realize energy exists in all things. Even a rock has its own energy. Being psychic is not a mysterious thing. It is about being super sensitive and observant. 

The psychic journey is an original path that the student will travel and have experiences unique to themselves. That’s why there is only so much I can tell you. You have to go on this mission on your own, and when you come back, you can share your observations with the rest of us. 

There are many tools you can use to improve your psychic abilities. Learning in depth astrology can give you insight on people you are dealing with. Learning the Tarot can activate and stimulate your psychic powers.  Freestyle writing is a powerful tool used to see what’s going on within the subconscious realm. 

This manifesto is a brief introduction on dealing with your psychic abilities. Stay tuned for more articles and videos that will elaborate on this topic. Subscribe to my channel, and give the video a like. Supreme MoonBeam. Peace. 


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