The Seven Factors Of Awakening


The Seven Factors Of Awakening

Peace to all the seekers of knowledge and enlightenment. I'm here to break down the Seven Factors Of Awakening. This information comes from ancient Buddhist scriptures. These are the tools you need to take your powers to the next level. Study the dharma on a regular basis to keep your mind sharp.

1. Mindfulness

To be mindful is to be aware of the current moment. The keyword for mindfulness is now. Forget reminiscing about the past or fantasizing about the future. You have to find the beauty in your present moment.  The rest of your life depends on what you do now. This is the most important time of your existence. 

Now is the foundation of what’s to come. You can not change the past, so forgive yourself for all the mistakes you made. At every waking moment, you have a chance to create a new reality. There are so many variables in the future that are out of your control, so your plans may not play out as you expect them to. 

There is so much going on right now that you should not be taking for granted. Listen to the sounds in your environment. For the city dwellers, listen to the kids playing outside, the sirens of the emergency vehicles, and the rhythms of your neighbor’s music blasting.

For those in the country, listen to the birds chirping, the winds flowing through the trees, and the waters running down the stream. You can watch the insects interacting with each other, the clouds changing form in the sky, and the flowers creating patterns in the landscape. 

When you are mindful, you can see the beauty for the tasks at hand. What life lessons are you learning as you wash the dishes? What does it take to create the song you are working on? What kind of energy flow can you create as you organize your living quarters?

When you are being mindful, you do not only observe your external universe. When you are mindful, you also analyse your internal environment. You start to pay attention to your breathing patterns. You begin to observe your emotional state. You also watch your thoughts that are passing through your mind.

When you are mindful, you mentally analyse all the systems of the physical body. You observe the nervous system, the digestive system, the respiratory system, the muscular system, the skeletal system, The endocrine system, the immune system, the reproductive system, and so on. 

Being mindful puts you a step ahead of the game. While occupying this mindstate, you are taking care of what needs to be done, so your next move can be more easily taken care of. It’s like a relay race. The better the first runner does will make the job easier for the second runner. 

2. Investigation

Investigation is all about not taking things on face value. Everything you deal with has to be completely analyzed before decisions are made. By investigating, things are done right the first time. When you investigate issues at hand, ignorant speech will be reduced. 

Investigation is the root of knowledge, and knowledge is nutrition for the mind. Knowledge can guide you out of the darkness of ignorance. Knowledge mature’s your demeanor. Knowledge gives you hope and confidence. Investigation is the foundation of true knowledge.

Investigation keeps you safe from mistakes. Investigation protects you from the liars and conmen. Investigation prepares you for the journey ahead. When you see a person jump out of a plane, you think that individual is crazy. When you see somebody go bungee jumping, you are like wow; that guy is insane, but investigation can make a zany activity safe and calculated. 

3. Energy

Energy is the force that puts life into matter. Energy comes from the spirit, hope, faith, and ideas. This is why it is important to stay inspired and enlightened. A true practitioner of the mystic arts needs to learn how to raise, lower, and direct the energy. 

Human energy is gathered from different sources on multiple levels. On a basic level, physical food fuels the body. Physical food can also slow down the body if not used properly. Exercise creates energy. By doing physical activity, you are allowing the fluids in the body (blood, lymph, neuro-spinal fluid, bile, hormones) to circulate with more force.

Energy is created through art, creativity, and visualization. These are the things that create inspiration and motivation. Knowledge creates energy. Knowledge causes a domino effect of continuous insight and ideas. 

Energy comes from the breath through meditation and observation. As the air is breathed through the lungs and charges and cleanses the blood, the cells of the body are rejuvenated. Through the powers of the mind, that energy can be directed to the desired locations.

4. Joy Or Rapture

Joy is all about optimism. Even if you are tying your laces, you have to find the joy in that. In order to prolong mindfulness, joy has to be incorporated in everything you do. If you do not enjoy your mundane daily activity, your mind will drift away, frustration will brew, and stress and pain will develop. 

Joy comes from appreciation. The little things that you take for granted should be embraced with gratefulness. Joy increases your focus and productivity. Joy releases tension on the nerves. Joy transforms despair and hopelessness into faith and encouragement. 

For some people, their mind is set on pessimism by default. Worry and fear are mental defense mechanisms put in place for protection and safety. This is why you have to make a conscious effort to be optimistic when dealing with life’s situations. There are multiple interpretations and perspectives to the truth. Strive to calibrate your mind to see the positive in all situations. 

5. Relaxation Or Tranquility 

Relaxation comes from proper breath control, contemplation, and understanding. Relaxation is the state you have to be in to deal with the twists and turns of life. Being at peace with life and yourself creates a relaxed state. Relaxation is the opponent of stress. 

To be relaxed is to accept life for what it is. At the point of relaxation, you are like water, taking shape and making adjustments to all obstacles in life. In the state of relaxation, you travel from point a to point b without deviating from the path or objective. When you are relaxed, you get to enjoy the journey and the destination.

When you are relaxed, you start to see things that would’ve been overlooked otherwise. In a relaxed state, your decision making process will be more effective. When you are relaxed, it may seem that you are moving slower, but in all reality, you are moving faster because you are operating with more accuracy and less mistakes.

6. Concentration

Concentration is the key to completing your objectives. The mind is always drifting. If you can focus your thoughts on one goal at a time, your life and internal power will see a super-high boost. Concentration is all about patience. The mind drifts when it stumbles or hits a roadblock. The key is to work past those obstacles and keep the energy flowing.

Concentration is like magnetizing a piece of metal. When you align the thoughts, the mind becomes magnetized and starts to attract other minds. When your thoughts are scattered, your power of attraction is weak. The mind is the most powerful source of energy in the universe. Concentration is the tool used to direct that energy.

Some people think that concentration is all about mental strain like studying for an exam or cramming for a paper due in the morning. That form of concentration is a short term solution for an academic problem. Concentration is about culture and lifestyle, staying on a steady path, and focusing on an objective in life.

7. Equanimity 

Equanimity is all about maintaining your composure. Life has many ups and downs, unforeseen events, and stressful moments. When you are dealing with equanimity, you endure these currents with an even keel mindstate and demeanor. Nothing is too surprising, and nothing is too sad. Your reactions to all situations are balanced.

Equanimity keeps you in character. Equanimity keeps you on the path. This is the state athletes strive to be in to be victorious. When the Spurs are up 20 or down 20, they do not celebrate or commiserate. They ride the storm until the game is over. When they deal with too much cockiness, they can lose their lead. With the mindstate of sadness and anger, they will have no chance of winning the game.

Equanimity is about keeping your cool and riding the storm. This could be the advantage you have against your opponent. Your opposition does not have to be a person or people, it can be an obstacle like an illness, program, or any roadblock in your path. 


The Seven Factors Of Awakening all work together and coincide with each other. These are the mental tools you need to help you on your path in life. If you don’t fortify your mind and culture with the dharma, you can easily be snatched by outside forces.

Thanks for checking out this manifestation. Supreme MoonBeam. Peace.


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