The Witch's Pyramid


The witch’s pyramid: to know, to will, to dare, to keep silent, and the fifth new one is to imagine.
This is a traditional concept when dealing with witchcraft. This is not a philosophy that was just conjured up by some guy in recent years. These principles have been around since the beginning, hundreds of years ago. The witch’s pyramid is not only something you apply to your witchcraft but in all applications of life.

To know is not only to have knowledge. To know when applied to spellwork is to know and understand all the parameters and ramifications of the spell you cast. What is it that you want? What will it take to materialize this spell? Do you have channels in place for this spell to manifest? If any other people are involved in this spell, how will they be affected? Is this spell being casted for the greater good? You have to put a lot of thought into this preliminary stage of spell work. Just because you write a cute rhyme, light a candle, and do a dance doesn’t mean that your spell is going to work. Also you have to know what are the repercussions of your spell. Will it backfire on you because of negative components within your spell? Are you ready to accept all that comes with your desires and wishes? Before you cast any spell, contemplate on every aspect involved with your intention and when all the boxes are checked then you can go to the next level.

To will is to have the strength, the motivation, the power. Ask yourself, are you willing to accept all that is involved in this spell? Are you willing to do the work required with the results of the spell? Are you even capable of doing what needs to be done if things start to play out? The will is very important because this goes into your soul and now you have to go into yourself and find out who you are. If you have the power, will, and confidence anything is possible. It’s like the lion who faces off with 300 buffalo. Each buffalo is five times the lion’s size and much stronger but the lion has the will and the confidence. The lion is determined to eat one of the buffalos. Against all odds, defying reality, and imposing his will, the lion becomes victorious. The will is the force, the engine, that transforms mental to physical.

To dare is all about that Uranian energy. Taking risks, catapulting self and situations to the next level. This is where things start to look like magic. This is where you stare fear in the face and make your move. Now you are doing what the next man won’t do. Most are spectators, you are the orchestrator. You are the magician working behind the curtain. You are taking a chance. For the skilled magician it can be a calculated risk. For the novice it can be a chance taken off of heart and ignorance. Either way a leap of faith has been made. To dare is what separates the strong from the weak. You are the initiator, the spark that causes combustion. When things work out you will get the praises unless you maneuver in a way that you stay in the shadows. To dare is the x-factor in your spell work. Originality, courage, and faith, that’s what it takes to dare.

To keep silent. This sounds like the easiest thing to do but for most it is very difficult. Keeping silent is what can make or break your spell. Once you start talking about your spell work or intentions while in there working, the spell gets weaker. You start telling people your plans, next thing you know people are casting doubt on you. They are telling you, that won’t work. That idea is lame. You remember what happened to Tony right? Then you have to worry about the haters. These people are gonna go behind your back and talk about you. They might set traps to sabotage your vision. Stuff like rumors might be spread. Your Ideas can be stolen. Your intentions could be revealed to the wrong person like your enemies or other people involved in your spell. Staying quiet is the key component to a successful spell. After the success of your spell it is okay to give others knowledge on how to achieve their desires. Even then you have to be careful and make sure the coast is clear.

To imagine. This is where you use your creative visualization. You have to see yourself in the state of success. Visualize yourself conquering all your obstacles. In your mind, in your dreams, emotionally you have to exist on the other side of the spell. Einstein said “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” The mind is the most important tool when it comes to witchcraft. To imagine is the seed. Now with water and sunlight that seed will grow. When you imagine, you can solve problems before they happen. You can defeat the enemy before he strikes. Imagination will charge your intention. Imagination will bring you happiness before your spell enters its first step. Imagination brings your vision to life on other planes of existence. 

In conclusion the Witch’s Pyramid is a formula consisting of five parts. To know, to will, to dare, to keep silent, and to imagine. The first four parts are the base corners of the pyramid. Then they all come to a point at the top to join where the fifth component exists. The Witch’s Pyramid is a sturdy guideline to effective spell work. 

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