Cast Your Spells At The Right Time With The Moon Phases

 Doing spells at specific times can enhance the effectiveness of the results of your intentions. When it comes to timing there are three methods that I acknowledge that are well known in the spell casting community. The first one is the Moon phases, the second one are the Moon signs, and the third one is planetary timing. In this video we will be talking about Moon phases.

The Moon has a big influence on us mortals on Earth. The moon goes through eight phases within a 28 day cycle. Each phase lasts approximately 3 ½ days.

1. The first phase is the New Moon or the Dark Moon. The New Moon is when the Moon is totally invisible. When the Moon is exactly between the Sun and the Earth, the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s light away from the Earth making the Moon appear unseen to the naked eye. The New Moon phase is the time to contemplate on your visions and goals. This is a good time to clean your sacred space. Organizing your tools of the trade is a good thing to do during the New Moon. Going through your book of shadows to get your mind right. Meditating and cleansing your mental environment. These are good things to do during the New Moon. This is not the time to create and perform spells; this is a preparation period.

On the flip side there are certain types of spells that can be performed during the New Moon. Destructive and banishing spells are perfect during this phase. This could be the time for spells like getting unwanted people out of your life. Spells to get rid of sickness and addictions can be executed during the New Moon.

So in conclusion the New Moon phase is a preparation, meditation, and contemplation time. If you need to perform dark spells then the New Moon phase is ideal for that type of work.

2. The second phase of the Moon is the Waxing Crescent Moon. This is the time to start some good spell work. Creating spells for money opportunities, self improvement, education, career, and status advancement. Ceremonies and rituals should be performed during this phase. Infuse your crystals and stones with your energy and intentions. Perform your candle magic. Read and repeat your spell. Do your chants and dance ceremonies. Do all you can to stimulate all your senses to reinforce your goal and polarize your thoughts.

3. The third Moon phase is the First Quarter Moon. This is a good time to create spells for attraction. If you are looking for love, or there is someone that you want to draw into your web, this is the time to work on these types of spells. Maybe you are at the stage of your business where you need to attract some clients, bring in some revenue, or the right partner or employee, this is the time to work on a spell for those goals.

Spells that were casted during the  Waxing Crescent Moon phase are now bubbling so some growing pains can occur during the first quarter Moon. You may meet some resistance. Things may seem like they are not going according to plan. This could be the time to deal with tolerance and understanding. Also this can be a time for improvising and adjustments.

4. The fourth phase is the Waxing Gibbous Moon. During this phase you are starting to see results from earlier spells that have been casted. This is a good time to reinforce your spells or stand aside and watch things play out. Putting things in order, tightening up loose ends, and meditating are activities that can be done at this moment.

This is also a good time to contemplate and prepare for some serious moves. You know and understand that the next phase is the Full Moon so you should mentally prepare for some powerful magical energy and events.

5. The fifth phase is the Full Moon. Just thinking about the Full Moon sends currents running through your being. The Full Moon is big, bright, and beautiful. When the Full Moon is out people are mingling, the energy is high, and opportunities are everywhere. This is the time that spells are manifesting. Any spell can be casted at this time with a great boost behind it. The Full Moon is also a time to perform your more risky spells with good results. Try that love spell to attract that person that barely notices you. Put together a spell to draw money out of the stock market. When the Full Moon is out, as a practitioner of the arts don’t get caught up in the pandemonium, rather play the sideline, observe, and make your subtle moves. Short term spells can be casted during the Full Moon. You have a three to four day window to make things happen. Use this time wisely.

6. The sixth phase is the Waning Gibbous Moon. We are now into the second half of the lunar cycle. This part of the cycle is not about creating spells for money opportunities or love interests but rather banishment, destruction, cleansing, resting, and reflection. The Waning Gibbous Moon phase is a time to cast spells such as getting negative people and energy out of your way. You can also cast spells to work on your bad habits. That gambling addiction, excessive TV watching, smoking, alcoholism, cigarettes, drugs, peer pressure, all the things you see that are holding you back.

7. The seventh phase is the Last Quarter Moon. This is the time to tighten up those banishment spells. This is when you gracefully dismiss yourself from those negative forces that you recognize and strive to eradicate from your circle. This is the time to let your enemies know it’s not you, it's me and we have to part ways. If you are dealing with a more hardcore advisary, conjuer up ways to sternly let them know it is over without causing harm to yourself. You see witchcraft is all about moving smooth, effective, and with class, operating in the shadow, right on top of the spectators eyelids

8. The eighth and final phase is the Waning Crescent Moon. During this phase you should relax and reflect. You have been through a whole lunar cycle and now it is time to observe the ups and downs. This is the time to show appreciation and give thanks to the universe. All the victories and failures happened for a reason. Dust off the stress, massage your emotions with some understanding, and be grateful that you are still in the game. Right now you are recharging your battery, putting your bones back in alignment, and recalibrating your brain cells. Taking walks, sitting on the park bench, sipping tea and bird watching, that’s the time you are on right now.

We just went through eight lunar phases which lasted for approximately a month. Go on one of your computing devices like your cell phone or laptop. Google lunar cycle and you can alway see what phase of the moon you are in so you can move accordingly. This way you can stay on top of the game without having to guess what phase you are in.

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Thanks for checking out my video, Supreme MoonBeam, Peace.


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