Learn The Art Of Candle Magic


The main component in candle magic is fire. Fire is symbolic of transformation. Fire turns one thing into another. Liquid to gas, solid to liquid, wood to smoke and ash from a small piece of tinder, vegetables and herbs into dinner. So in candle magic we turn your prayers and goals  into something you can hold.

When practicing magic. witchcraft, or any of the mystic arts colors have meanings and this is no different in candle magic.

Candle colors and meanings

White: The white candle is a versatile candle. It can take the place of any candle color and could be used for any spell or ritual. The white color represents purification and it reflects vibes, spirits, and energy.

Yellow: Intelligence is the keyword when dealing with the yellow candle. Wisdom, wittiness, and solving problems is all yellow. When you have writer's block or you need help on a school project or exam yellow is your color. Say you need to communicate some information to somebody or you have to do a presentation at work, you need to look for this candle. 

Pink: Pink is the color of gentleness, romance, love, and tenderness. That yin energy, femininity, love, and compassion. When you want to soften the mood with your partner or lighten up tense situations this is the color candle you want to look for. Pink is for beauty and sensuality, releasing stress and massaging the emotions. 

Orange: Orange is the color of inspiration and creativity. Mental stimulation. Orange is a combination of yellow and red so it's like intelligence on steroids. On the flip side it can represent calculated fire and passion. Either way this color is a stimulant. 

Green: Green is the color of growth, nature, wealth, and health. When looking for a spell for healing, searching for the proper herbs and tonics, light a green candle and meditate on the answers to the questions. We all know green is the color of our favorite paper, that legal tender that can settle all public and private debts so when concocting a spell for financial situations use a green candle. When striving to elevate to the next level like in a promotion at work or entering the next grade at school the green candle is the tool to look for because green is the color of growth.

Purple: Purple is the color of psychic abilities intuition and communicating with the spirit world.
Purple is a combination of red and blue. Blue represents emotions, empathy, intuition, meditation, and calmness, Red is a strong stimulant. Red represents passion, aggression, and  desire. So when you put the two together you get purple which is your intuition and psychic powers boosted to a high level. When you don’t have a purple candle you can use a blue and red candle as a substitution.

Grey: grey is the color of invisibility, humbleness, and grounding. When you want to fly beneath the radar while manifesting and achieving your goal use a grey candle. Grey is a combination of black and white. White represents purity and black represents strength. When you put the two together you get pure strength. So when you are looking for raw power use a grey candle.

Red: Red is a color everybody loves. This is the color of passion, sexuality, and aggression. When facing difficult times and you need courage and strength use this color candle to enhance your spell. When dealing with a spell of a romantic nature red is the color that charges those emotions and spirits. You can also add a red candle to other spells to boost their potency. Say you're going into a debate or some sort of competition like a sport or a contest and you do some spell work prior to the event, use a red candle to enhance your bravery and conviction.

Blue: Blue is the color of emotions, intuition, and empathy. Blue is a mellow cool color that gives a calming relaxed vibe. Use this color candle when you are concocting a spell for someone else. This color candle will help you go into that person’s shoes and give you a better understanding of what’s going on. When traveling on the other side blue is the color that helps you look at things through other people’s eyes. When you are tense, frustrated, and angry use a blue candle to deal with contemplation and understanding.

Black: black represents strength, protection, and destruction. When you want to create a spell for safeguarding against undesirable or evil forces use a black candle. If you want to destroy a bad habit or an ailment in your life the black candle is ideal for this type of spell. Also black is used to capture energies and vibes. Say you’re in a situation where you want to be charged with the energy of an animal spirit or the spirit of a specific plant or object black is the color when creating this type of spell.

This guide to the colors in candle magic is  universal and anybody can utilize it.  But at the end of the day if a specific color means something to you, use that interpretation. Magic is all about you, and your spells and formulas are much more powerful when they are tailor made to you.

Dressing a candle

Dressing the candle is an important step when doing candle magic. This is the process used to connect you and your love to the candle. You are creating an intimate bond with the candle and yourself. Dressing the candle is very simple, you will put  oil on your hand and rub it into the candle. During this process you can say a chant or visualize and meditate on the purpose of the candle. As you rub the candle upward direct the desirable energy towards you and as you rub the candle downward release the unwanted energy away from you.


The place that you perform your candle magic should be quiet, private, and clean. Usually candle magic is done at your altar. If you are unable to access your altar then find somewhere that you won't be disturbed. A good private place would be in the bathroom, you can incorporate your candle magic while taking a bath. With a little planning and preparation this can be a real magical and memorable moment. If you live in a house try performing your spell in the backyard with nature as your backdrop. Try to be creative and add your own personal touch to your spells so that they have special meaning to you. 

When performing your candle magic you have to have a goal in mind like what is your objective. It is important to be specific. Vague objectives have too many variables so your focus won't be strong. 

Write down your goal. Make sure it is detailed and if you are new to candle magic or any type of magic or spell work start off with a simple goal. The thing about magic and spells is to polarize your mind, thoughts, and spirit and make them stronger through consistent exercise. As your invisible self becomes stronger your spell work will become easier and more effective and through time your spells can become more complicated. 

Let’s say your goal is to lose five to ten pounds within the next month. Write that goal on a piece of paper. Be creative on how you put that ink on the wood. You can use certain color paper or ink to correlate with your goal. So for this particular spell you will use blue ink on yellow paper. The blue is for your emotional strength and fortitude and the yellow is for mental power, understanding, and focus.

Five to ten pounds from May to June
How pretty I’ll be as the flowers bloom
Love is my guide faith is on my side
With my new beautiful shape 
Life will be great

As you are at the place where you are performing your spell take some deep slow breaths, clear your mind then light the candle. As you look at the candle, say your spell then contemplate on the things you can do within the next month to lose the five to ten pounds. Think about the physical exercises that will be done. Think about the low calorie delicious  recipes you are going to make. Think about the Youtube videos you will watch to motivate you. Visualize yourself at the point of success.

Take some deep breaths, clear your mind again then repeat the spell. At this point contemplate on the things that can get in your way and how you are going to deal with them smoothly and efficiently.  Think about the people and places you have to avoid to reach your goal and how you can dismiss yourself from them gracefully. Think about the triggers that can get you out of character and how you can recognize them as they approach you so you can crush them.

Take some deep breaths, clear your mind, then repeat the spell. At this point give thanks to the powers that be, whether it is Christ, Buddha, Allah, or the Supreme Cosmic Energy. Contemplate on the blessings in life that you have. Then give your appreciation once again.

Now put the candle out and either save it for when you want to repeat the spell within that month to reinforce it or go out into nature and bury it. Never use that same candle for another spell.

Keep your spell

Five to ten pounds from May to June
How pretty I’ll be as the flowers bloom
Love is my guide with faith on my side
With my new beautiful shape 
Life will be great

Repeat it three times a day and keep it to yourself. Do not tell anybody about your spell or spell work. Doing that will decrease the power of your spell significantly.

The things I broke down about candle magic are my creative manifestation. Feel free to add or subtract components that you feel are important. There are other things you can do to enhance your candle magic and spell work like casting a circle and communicating with certain spirits for help. You can also perform your magic at certain times to make it more effective.

Thanks for checking out this video. You can also check out my website suprememoonbeam.com. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel. Supreme Moonbeam peace.


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