Learn About Thought Forms


What is a thought form? This is an entity created in the mind that takes on a life of its own. A thought form feeds on attention and emotion. Thought forms can be weak or strong. Their lifespan can be from one hour to thousands of years. If a thought form exists in the mind of one person, that thought form can die with that person, never to be heard from again. A thought form can be birthed from the imagination, desperation, meditation, or a contemplation. A lot of times thought forms are used as spiritual guides. When children have thought forms they are called imaginary friends. 

Some thought forms are created by a collective group and that thought form can become huge, lasting for generations. Skilled practitioners of the mystic arts can create thought forms to perform tasks, help or harm others, be used for entertainment, and even create income. 

Artists create thought forms all the time. Rocky Balboa is a powerful thought form who inspired a lot of boxers. Rocky is a fictional character but he is very real in the lives of many pugilists. Giving them inspiration, motivation, hope, and familiarity. 

Santa Claus is a powerful thought form who makes kids happy and persuades parents to spend a lot of money at the end of the year.

When traveling on a spiritual journey or any journey for that matter  you can create a thought form with a certain personality to give you guidance. You can create a journal for that thought form. Give it a name, where he or she grew up, and draw up a whole backstory for this entity. Within that journal you can have communications with that thought form. You can create passages where that thought form is speaking from their point of view, breaking down their experiences or giving you advice.

Adding art to your thought form can give it more life. Drawing what he or she may look like. Having him or her in certain settings and in different positions, wearing assortments of attire.

The thought form doesn’t even have to be human, it can be an animal, a robot, an alien, a humanoid with super powers, or a made up creature. It can be a talking rock, a ghost, a plant, or even some common object like a chair. You are the creator of this thought form so there is no limitation.

A thought form can exist as an entity outside of its creator if given enough food to grow and evolve. This is why you have to be careful when creating thought forms, they can become a major influence in your life. They can get out of control, cause destruction, and get people in trouble.

Are thought forms real? Of course they are. Just because they don’t have flesh, bones, and guts, or a past physical life on earth does not mean they do not wield power and make things happen. They are birthed from the mind. Some say everything in life came from a thought. An atom can’t be seen with the physical eye but it is the building block to all matter in the universe. A human cell only can be seen under a microscope but the entire human body is many duplications of one cell. Thoughts come and go through the mind. Many seem insignificant, always forgotten, no big deal, but on a cellular level a thought is like an earthquake. A feeling is like a tidal wave. 

Why are thought forms important? Thought forms are powerful tools you can use on your spiritual journey. Sometimes you need someone to talk to, someone who understands and can give you the advice you need. Sometimes family and friends don’t get it or they don’t see the big picture. Then you have to be careful when communicating with the spirits because the spirits have their own agenda, they have to be respected like any other living entity. 

 When you can’t find or identify your spiritual guides, you can create a thought form. Now that you know what thought forms are you can recognize them and see if they are good or bad.  As you go on your journey in life wouldn’t it be nice to have an ally or two to complete your missions with. How about going to battle with an army? 

An infamous thought form is the Boogeyman. He’s been around for hundreds of years. Parents from all around the world use the Boogeyman to put fear in their children so they can behave. This guy is so powerful he doesn’t even have an identity, backstory, or origin. Nobody knows who created him but yet he is still trending.

In conclusion thought forms are entities birthed from the mind that can take on a life of their own. They can be a powerful tool used to enhance your spiritual craft and power. A huge portion of life exists on invisible planes. Once you realize that great things can happen.

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