Alter Your Reality


Two neighbors can live in different worlds. Two siblings in different realities. Everything is mental. Life is all perception. Imagination and perspective is the portal to alternate worlds. Views and understanding refocuses your lenses. Every situation can be seen at least 360 different ways. You have to be a unique thinker to alter reality. 

Taking different routes to your usual destinations. Changing your repetitive cuisine. Altering your dress code.  Looking at life through others point of view. These are ways to alter your reality.

Radical adjustments don’t have to be made. Maybe you just want to slightly alter your reality so you add less salt to your food, eat baked instead of fried chicken, do 10 pushups a day. Say thank you, excuse me and smile more. These little things will alter your reality.

Changing the colors of your wardrobe can change your reality. Usually most people wear neutral colors to blend in like greys and dark blues. These colors make you blend in with your surroundings and you can maneuver without being noticed. Now say you want to stand out. Now you add some red into your outfit, some oranges, and yellows and now you are getting some attention. You have just altered your reality. 

You are living a mundane life. You are on the block with the crew and everyday is the same ol thang. The money opportunities are scarce and you keep running into the usual roadblocks. You are being profiled and labeled as one of those guys or gals. Maybe you have to change your neighborhood uniform into some attire more business-like. Instead of wearing sneakers, wear shoes, instead of jeans, wear dockers or slacks, instead of a t-shirt, wear a button-down then spice it up with a tie. Move your hangout spot from the westside to downtown and talk to people with similar uniforms on. You have just altered your reality.

Sometimes when you alter your reality you will get rejected by one circle and get accepted by the next. That is why you have to be strong and have a deep understanding of humanity and realize that there are billions of people on the planet and that rejection of a few is not that serious.

Empathy is seeing and feeling life from another's point of view. Sit down, meditate and contemplate on an empathetic mindstate. This is how you travel on a spiritual plane. Why was Jordan so determined? What made Einstein tick? What made Martin Luther King Jr give his life for the cause? Read their biographies, put yourself in their shoes and alter your reality.

As a child, adolescent, teenager, or young adult you may feel like your parents don’t understand or you may feel like they are putting too much pressure on you. You may also feel like they are out of touch, not cool, and may embarrass you. Put yourself in their shoes, look at life through their eyes, take a glimpse into their heart. Picture your parents as children and try to comprehend the experiences and hardships they went through. This revelation can alter your reality.

As a parent you may be out of touch with your children. They don’t want to heed the wisdom and guidance that you give them so they can have a better life. You don’t know why they are mad at you and why y'all can’t get along. The outside world is taking a toll on your kids and it’s hurting you. This may be the time to meditate and reminisce on when you were a child and reflect on the relationship you had with your parents. If you got along with your parents, look through the eyes of a troubled sibling or friend from your past. Looking through those lenses can alter your reality.

Every cause has an effect. You can make a slight change and the ripple effect can be massive. When you rearrange the components of your existence, be humble and observe, peep how the chips fall. Let everything play out then make some more adjustments. The one constant in life is change, that is why you have to make the changes before the changes happen without your consent.

When you begin your journey of altering your reality you will take minor steps and see the results, in time you will become the master at this skill. At that point you can jump from reality to reality. Blend in the crowd one day and stand out the other day. You can jump from circle to circle as you rearrange your persona on the fly. Life on Earth can be a magical experience. The examples I broke down were simple cases. You have to take this information, use it as a spark and be creative with it.

Thanks for checking out this video. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel. Supreme Moonbeam peace.


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