Three simple beautiful spreads you can use for Tarot readings

 The spread is a very important component when it comes to the art of the Tarot. There are many different spreads from one card to the whole deck. Once you get familiar with the structure of the Tarot deck and the meaning of the cards you have to learn how to practice some spreads. 

The easiest spread is a one card spread. Just because this spread is simple doesn't mean it’s not effective. All you have to do is take a few deep breaths, clear your mind, shuffle the cards, and draw the top card. Whatever card that you pull is sending you a message. Take the message from that card and apply it to your day. 

This reading is an open reading applied to yourself. No question is asked, the card is just telling you what you need to be aware of, what you need to contemplate on, and what you can use to improve whatever you are going through. 

For example say you draw the Strength card from the Major Arcana. You look at the card and you see the lady controlling the lion. You know and understand that the lion is a powerful vicious beast that can physically annihilate this lady. Now you ask yourself what is this lady doing to conquer  the king of the jungle? This lady is very strong but it’s not physical strength. This lady’s power is coming from her knowledge, love, and understanding. 

Are there situations in your life that you can’t overcome physically or with your aggression? Maybe you need to approach these obstacles with more knowledge, love, and understanding. 

At the beginning of your Tarot journey the one card reading can be a useful practice used to familiarize yourself with the Tarot deck.

Now I’m going to show you three different three card spreads that you can use on yourself or when doing a reading for someone else.

The first spread is the Past/ Present/ Future spread.
The first card represents the past. Depending on the question asked or the situation this card can reflect a past life, your childhood, or yesterday. Anything that has to do with the past.
When doing a Tarot reading strive to clear your mind as you shuffle the cards and put your focus on the question asked. The tarot cards are a tool used to stimulate your mind and spirit. So in actuality you are the force behind the reading and the cards are a frame to capture the visions within.

The second card is the present. This card shows what you or the subject of the reading is going through currently. This card can also put clarity on an existing situation.

When you look at the card, strive not to be rigid on the meaning of the card written in the text of your tarot manual. Rather look at the picture on the card and interpret what it is telling you. Remember the power is within and the cards are a tool.

The third card is the future. This card is giving you guidance or caution on what’s to come. The message from the future card is not written in stone. This card is letting you know what could happen if you stay on the current path.

Now that you have the message of the future card you can embrace it if it is the desired outcome you are looking for, or you can make changes if you do not want to accept that fate. 

The next spread is for relationships. 
You/ The other person/ The relationship

The first card is about you and your stance in the relationship. This card can give you insight on your strengths or your weaknesses in the union. Or shows what you bring to the table. It can also be a description of your personality that the other person in the equation sees you as.

Remember when you do a reading let your mind be clear and open. Let the card speak to you look at the picture and see what it is saying and combine that with the meaning of the card according to the manual. Then you can draw up a conclusion.

The next card is about the other person. This card expresses the pros or the cons of the other person involved in the question or situation. This card can also describe the other person's position or personality in the couple.

When you look at this card, see what aspects of the message on the card relates to something that you were already contemplating on. Then use the card to give you more clarity. Or maybe the card will awaken you to something you weren’t aware of.

The third card is about the relationship. This card puts everything together. It gives you the current state the relationship is in. When you look at this card try to take both party’s perspectives into consideration. This spread not only can be used for a romantic relationship. It can be used for a friendship or a business partnership or any type of relationship.

The third spread is Strength/ Weakness/ Advise

This spread is a good spread to use when doing a self reading. If you are entering a new field of knowledge or tackling new responsibilities at work this is a good spread to apply. You can also use this spread when you want to evaluate someone that you are working with or someone you are hiring for a job or task. I’m not going to break down the meaning of each position in this spread because it is self explanatory. And I know my viewers are very intelligent.

When dealing with the art of the Tarot it is important to know multiple spreads. The more spreads you know the more variety of questions you can answer. Also say you know only one type of spread, it’s only so many times you can use it on yourself before the information from each reading starts overlapping each other. For example you do not want to do the Past/ Present/ Future spread on yourself everyday because the first reading has to play out before you use that spread again. But if you want to continue practicing the Tarot without information criss-crossing you can use multiple spreads with an assortment of questions.  

Thanks for checking out this video. For more information on the Tarot check out my website or go to my YouTube channel supreme moonbeam. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and like the video. Supreme MoonBeam peace.


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