The Four Noble Truths Of Buddhism


The first noble truth is Dukkha. Dukkha means suffering; this is the first observation for someone living the life of contemplation must recognize. Life is about suffering, and acknowledging the suffering, feeling the suffering, dominating the suffering to become the master. Suffering is pain, suffering is a stage of life. Most people fold under suffering, few revel in it, feel it, and conquer it, only to experience more suffering. To accept life you must accept death, to experience joy you must know pain. It’s the only way. A man is never satisfied the desire for pleasure must be obtained, if not obtained the man feels sorrow. When a man fails he feels guilt. The Dukkha must be recognized and understood. When a child first learns to ride a bike he falls, he scrapes his/her knee and crashes into a tree but the child understands once he masters the suffering the reward will be being able to ride the bike. The child understands this because the teacher explains this and this is one aspect of Dukkha.

The second noble truth is Samudaya. Samudaya is the cause, the origin of Dukkha. Dukkha is suffering and Samudaya is the cause of suffering, the desire, craving, attachment. Samudaya is also your conditioning, habits, your fears, and phobias. In Buddhism, the Dharma is given to you short and simple and it’s up to you to interpret it according to your understanding and your understanding may evolve over time and that’s a good thing. Samudaya is the desire so in order to end suffering or reduce and maintain suffering is to reduce your desire. Remember we are people so there is no shame in anything less than perfection so take your time and study the dharma as much as you can.

The third noble truth is Nirodha. Nirodha is the end of the Dukkha (suffering) by getting rid of your desires, craving, and attachments. Dukkha or suffering is caused by desires and cravings (Samudaya), Nirodha is the end of suffering by getting rid of your desires. Living a life of contemplation and meditation is most beneficial to achieve Nirodha. Through contemplation and meditation you explore the self to analyze your suffering and desires and see the map  to recognize the origins of the Dukkha. Understanding acceptance and living humble gets you closer to Nirodha

The fourth noble truth is Magga. Magga is not make America great again. Magga is the path, the way to end the suffering (Dukkha). Magga is the culture, the lifestyle, the mentality that heals the Dukkha. Living a refined righteous humble life to reduce the suffering. You must work on the Magga everyday. The Magga is not just your culture physically but also your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual. Like it wouldn’t be conducive to fast from eating meat when all you are thinking about are pork chops. In that situation it would be better to focus your mind on delicious non meat recipes that can help your fast. When dealing with Magga you have to study the noble eightfold path.

In conclusion the four noble truths are Dukkha, Samudaya, Nirodha, and Magga. Dukkha is suffering. Samudaya is the cause of suffering which is desire. Nirodha is the end of suffering. Magga is the path to Nirodha, the way to end suffering.

Meditate and contemplate on the four noble truths to elevate your state of understanding. The four noble truths are spiritual medicine that can give your brain a philosophical massage and ease the pain of the everyday struggle. This dose of wisdom can give you the strength to take the next step of your life’s journey with vigor and confidence.

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