Introduction To Voodoo

The ancient religion of Voodoo is mysterious, exciting, and intriguing. Voodoo originated in western Africa where it is still practiced to this day. Through the Atlantic slave trade Voodoo spread to the western hemisphere and is heavily practiced in the Caribeans, and North and South America. There are several other names that Voodoo is called. In Cuba it is called Santerea, in Jamaica it is called Obeah, and in parts of the United States it is called Hoodoo. All these have some differences yet have a lot of similarities. They all originated from West Africa in the Fon and Kongo kingdoms. Today this area is Ghana, Togo, and Benin. Voodoo has existed for thousands of years, long before all the religions that are known today like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, ect.. 

From generation to generation Voodoo has been passed down orally and not too much official documentation has been made on the subject. Different tribes and regions all put their own spin to Voodoo but the foundation and concepts remain the same.

As Voodoo moved to the western hemisphere the religion adopted some Christian components, also some pieces from Native American spirituality. That’s the thing about Voodoo, the practice is very adaptable and fluid and that is one of the reasons it was able to stand the test of time. During the slave trade Africans had to disguise the art of Voodoo in order to keep practicing so they started naming their African spirits after Christian saints. 

A lot of successful slave uprisings started off with Voodoo ceremonies. The most famous slave rebellion was the Haitian revolution in 1791. From that uprising Haiti became the first and only slave country to fight for their independence and win. From that victory Haiti liberated themselves from the French colonial rule. Now today Voodoo is the official religion of Haiti. Unfortunately through high taxes and debts, trade embargoes, government infiltrations, and the whole planet turning their back on Haiti, the rich island of Haiti has been suffering ever since that triumph.

Anyway back to Voodoo. Voodoo is a very serious spiritual discipline. This art is not something to be played with. You can’t be running around flirting with this craft without full knowledge of what you are dealing with. 

With that being said, Voodoo is about summoning the spirits. You have the living spirits, the spirits of the dead and the ancestors, then you have the Loas. The Loas are the spirits that communicate with the most high and the people to get things done. The  most high the creator respectfully named Bondye is too big and powerful to associate with man's petty problems and affairs that is why to get things done you have to work with the Loas.

Each Loa has a different personality and brings different things to the table, so when you have an issue, certain Loas will be called to deal with the situation.

There are many Loas and each belong to a certain family. There are many families of Loas but there are three major families that a lot of powerful Loas belong to. The three families are the Rada, the Petro, and the Ghede.

The Rada Loas are elder, wise, and more patient Loas. These Loas are ones that originated in Africa before the Haitians were captured into slavery. The Loas from this family are enlightened and give spiritual guidance.

The Petro family of Loas are fierce, hot tempered, and have a warrior spirit. These Loas originated in Haiti and emerged out of the anguish and pain of the slave trade. These Loas can assist you in battles and conflicts. 

The ghede family is made up of spirits of the dead. Most of these spirits are not Loas but still can perform certain tasks. The members of this spiritual family like to party, they can be rude, and they display highly sexual behavior.

Voodoo rituals and ceremonies are led by a houngan which is a Voodoo priest or a mambo which is a Voodoo priestess. Then you have those who they say serve the Loas with both hands who are the bokor which is a Voodoo sorcerer then you have the caplata which is a Voodoo witch. The later two are those who use Voodoo for dark magic.

This video is just a brief description of what Voodoo is about. More videos will be coming soon going into detail about this powerful spiritual discipline.

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