The Swords Suite Of The Tarot

Ace of Swords: The Ace of Swords represents the qualities of intelligence, knowledge, and mental abilities being manifested. Being swift with thoughts, accumulating facts, studying, and having understanding. Truth and justice being your main priorities. This card is all about the beginning stages of clarity and correct information cutting through all the smoking mirrors and illusions. Dealing with life on a logical intelectual plane. Being sharp, quick, and effective like the sword.

Two of Swords: The Two of Swords represents protecting yourself from certain forces or emotions. When you look at the card you see the young lady blindfolded indicating that she is not seeing or acknowledging something. In the background you see the moon and the water which are symbolic to emotions that are opposite to what she believes in being facts. She has the two swords crossed over her chest where her heart is located. The swords are weapons to defend her feelings. The lady is choosing to ignore, block or be blind to her feelings and chooses to deal with the cold fact and deal with the situation logically.

Three of Swords: The Three of Swords represents betrayal, a broken heart, deception, and disloyalty. Somebody has been hurt, feelings have been disregarded. This card is about emotional pain. This card is the reason why the sword was picked up. Not the sword in the sense of violence but in the sense of dealing with the situation in a cold calculating manner. This card can mean it’s time to break emotional ties with somebody or something. It can mean the love is gone, too many infractions have been committed and it’s time to let go.

Four of Swords: The Four of Swords represents solitude, rest, and meditation. So much has been going on, a lot has been on your plate and now it’s time for relaxation. This card is about stepping back, reviving and rejuvenating self. Taking a fast from mental, physical, and emotional activity. Instead of overthinking you let things work themselves out. Sometimes you need to take a step back to take two steps forward. There are times where you can’t logically find the answer so you have to relax, meditate, and let the solutions come to you from another plane in the form of a vision or dream.

Five of Swords: The Five of Swords represents selfishness and being inconsiderate to others. When you look at the card you see a man trying to leave with all the swords while his comrades are in the background dealing with some type of problem. The man has a smirk on his face like what he is doing is not in accord with the rest of the team. He is like one of those NBA players who scored 50 points but the team lost the game. If he would have passed the ball sometimes and played defense he would have scored less but the team could have won. In his eyes he did great but he doesn’t see the big picture. 

Six of Swords: The Six of Swords represents exile. On the card you see a man moving on with his family and belongings because bridges have been burned. This card also signifies letting go and moving on. In life you find yourself in situations where you put all you can into a project but there is no more you can do so it is best to count your losses. There is no point in beating a dead horse. The world is a big place, there is no need to stay where things are not working out. This card is saying start fresh somewhere else, reinvent yourself.

Seven of Swords: The Seven of Swords represents sneakiness, deceit, independent moves.
This card indicates that you or someone involved in your question is dealing with secrecy, ulterior motives, and questionable behavior. When you look at the card you see the young man sneaking away from the town with the swords looking back as if he just pulled off a heist. This card can also mean operating on a solo basis. Keeping your intentions to yourself and going against the status quo.

Eight of Swords:  The Eight of Swords represents bondage and confinement. Being helpless, restricted, and blind to the obvious. On the card you see a lady tied up and blindfolded meaning she has lost control and she is vulnerable and powerless. The lady is in trouble. The question is what has she done? That is what you have to ask yourself when you see this card. Depending on what question is being asked there is a person in the situation that is trapped by certain actions, behaviors, or circumstances.

Nine of Swords: The Nine of Swords represents something heavy on the heart: worry, shame, guilt, being overwhelmed by unfinished business. Something is on your mind that is bothering you. What is it? That is the question you have to ask yourself when you see this card. The person on the card can’t get to sleep. The mental pain is too deep. Perhaps you don’t have the answers. It is okay to seek help, all of us are connected. This is the time to see that you are not on an island and the answers are out there.

Ten of Swords: The Ten of Swords represents rock bottom, the lowest point, the only way to go is up now. The image on the card seems brutal with a man laying there with all those swords in his back. But the image is more about drama than the brutality depicted. The card is saying get up I know things look bad but it’s not that bad, stop wallowing in self pity. This card is about ending a chapter and beginning a new one. There is hope as long as you can dust yourself off and wipe your lenses. 

Page of Swords: The Page of Swords represents mental fortitude. When you see this card it means you have to use intelligence, wisdom, and integrity. You have the knowledge now it’s about applying it the right way. Are you going to use your advantages of cognitive abilities against people or use it for good and upliftment. This card is about being fair and standing on your principles. With knowledge comes great responsibility. Even though you wield the sword you should use it to build and construct instead of using it as a weapon.

Knight of Swords: The Knight of Swords represents a duality just like all knights. On one hand this card is saying be firm and stern on your conviction. But on the other hand is your bluntness overbearing, rude, and disheartening? Depending on the question being asked in the reading is somebody not considering others feelings? Is it you or somebody else being opinionated and cold? In situations, just because you are knowledgeable doesn’t mean you have to belittle others to feel superior.  Or is somebody in the situation being too emotional and this energy is needed? Sometimes the facts need to be told to get out of a slump. 

Queen of Swords: The Queen of Swords represents the positive qualities of the Swords in a majestic manner. Being knowledgeable and wise at the same time witty and diplomatic. Being able to see the truth behind the veils of deception. Carrying herself in a way that demands respect. Being known for having the right information for the situation. The energy of the queen is regal, royal, and powerful. The attributes of truth, justice, righteousness, and experience shine through her.

King of Swords: The Kings of Swords represents a true master. He is one who moved up the ranks and through experience has knowledge, wisdom, and rules his kingdom with time proven facts. He is respected and is known not to be fooled with. When the king speaks people listen and use his words as a pillar or foundation to build on.The King of Swords puts people in position and makes things happen.  When you see this card know that somebody in the situation commands this type of admiration. 


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