The Planets In Astrology Part 2

Jupiter is the planet of good luck, optimism, and success. Having a positive mind state, doing good, and being generous brings good karma into your life and this is what Jupiter is about. Moving forward and being forgiving is the attitude that Jupiter represents. Having abundance and sharing your good fortune while receiving blessings are attributes of the Jupiter spirit. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is two and a half times bigger than all the planets combined. Jupiter’s rotation on its axis is the fastest of all the other planets with one day being less than ten hours. It takes Jupiter a little less than twelve years to make a trip around the Sun. Jupiter has 79 known moons with its largest moon being bigger than Mercury. Jupiter is mostly made up of gases which is majority hydrogen and a smaller percentage of helium with an even smaller percentage of other elements.

Saturn is the planet of discipline, structure, and reality. What you put in is what you get out. Being practical, grounded, and focused is the energy that Saturn represents. There are no shortcuts in life, we want to build a solid foundation, you get what you pay for are statements you get with the Saturn energy. Saturn is all about law and order, dealing with justice, and being held accountable for your actions. Saturn is a gaseous planet made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Saturn has 82 known moons orbiting the gas giant. It takes 29 and a half Earth years for Saturn to orbit the Sun and a Saturn day is between ten and eleven hours. Saturn is best known for the rings around it which are mostly made of ice. Some of the moons around Saturn act as shepherd moons keeping the rings in orbit. The largest moon around Saturn is Titan which is the second largest moon in the solar system and is larger than Mercury. Titan is also the only moon in the solar system that has an atmosphere.

Uranus is the planet of originality, new ideas, and revolution. Inspiration, bolts of energy, and revelations are attributes of Uranus. Uranus is all about shattering the mundane patterns of life and catapulting you to the next level. Being unique, thinking out the box, and being creative are all associated with Uranus. Being a rebel and questioning the conventional way of thinking, that is Uranus. Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and the third largest planet in the solar system. What makes Uranus so unique is that while all the other planets rotate on their axis north to south like a spinning top, Uranus spins on its axis east to west like a wheel revolving around the Sun. It takes 84 years for Uranus to make a trip around the Sun. Being that Uranus is a mostly gaseous planet the inner portion of the planet takes about 17 hours to spin on its axis while the outer portion takes 14 hours so a day on Uranus takes between 14 and 17 hours.

Neptune is the planet of dreams, imagination, and spirituality. All the dimensions other than the physical and mental is what Neptune represents. Making what seems impossible reality, defying logic and reason and manifesting life through art and creativity. Neptune is all about illusions, mystery, and magic. Poetry, music, dance, and communicating spiritually. Facts and figures don’t make sense in a Neptunian world. Life is beyond comprehension on an Earthly plane. Neptune is a gaseous planet made up mostly of hydrogen and helium just like Jupiter Saturn and Uranus. Neptune is 17 times the mass of the Earth and it takes Neptune 168 years to orbit the Sun. A day on Neptune is about 16 hours. Neptune has 14 known moons and Triton is the largest one. Neptune has a ring around it made mostly of ice but it is not as pronounced as Saturn's rings.

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. Revealing the subconscious and transformation. Pluto represents the stuff associated with power and wealth like insurance, wills, law suits, alimony, court cases, bills, and things of that nature. Pluto is about power and control, secrets and scandals. Only a small percentage of people on Earth have Most of the riches and power, the stuff that most dream and fantasize about. But the reality is that whatever you desire and acquire you have to take the good and the bad with it. Pluto is all about the reality of power and riches. Who can you trust? Who are your true friends? Are people being honest with you or are they telling you what you want to hear? Working long hours, having meetings, dealing with stress and pressure. Seeing envy and jealousy directed towards you and things of that nature. Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun. It was the last planet to be discovered and recently they said it is no longer considered a planet but a dwarf planet. But in astrology it is still known as one of the planets represented on the birth chart. It takes Pluto about 248 years to orbit the Sun and a day on Pluto is about six and a third Earth days. Pluto has five known moons. Pluto is the smallest planet in the solar system and it is about 15 to 16 percent the size of Earth’s moon.


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