The Pentacles Suite Of The Tarot

Ace of Pentacles: The Ace of Pentacles represents the seeds of hard work, practicality, abundance, truth, and humility. The thing is where is this energy going to be applied? The Pentacles is a very powerful suite and the ace is the beginning of the journey. When you see this card it is telling you that even if you don’t see it now the spirit of the Pentacles is looming and it will manifest in some form or fashion. Strive to be aware and use this force in a positive way. When applied correctly earthly riches and blessings will be in your path.

Two of Pentacles: The Two of Pentacles represents flexibility and the ability to multitask. This card is saying do your job, have fun, and there is nothing you can’t handle. When you look at the card you see the young man juggling the discs and dancing at the same time. This indicates that in order to master your craft you have to find the enjoyment in it. It’s like the saying goes “it’s not work if you’re having fun”. In the background of the card you see the ship riding the high tide of the wave showing that you are in full control of your emotions as you deal with the task at hand. Around the two discs you see the infinity sign representing everlasting power.

Three of Pentacles: The Three of Pentacles represents the group dynamic, teamwork and cooperation. When you see this card you realize each hand washes each other and both wash the face. This card is about planning, preparing, and performing. When dealing with others you must keep your personal feelings to the side and each person in the equation must play their role. All people are unique in their own way so people with the right expertise will have to play their position. Trust and faith in one another is important, that is why you must associate with the right people.

Four of Pentacles: The Four of Pentacles represents selfishness, greed, and stubbornness. 
When dealing with the energy of the Pentacles material gain is inevitable but with all this wealth comes other issues and that is what this card represents. Hard work and focus breeds success but can you handle riches and fame? Once you get a taste of victory will it turn your eyes green? You have been blessed with the strength to manipulate the earth will you now look down on those less fortunate?

Five of Pentacles: The Five of Pentacles represents hard times, misfortune, and being an outcast. Life is up and down. When you do good in one area you lack in another. All the time you spend working hard your body is breaking down, you haven’t spent time with your friends and family. People are talking behind your back, they don’t understand you. Your success is breeding contempt. Not only that, all that hard work is taking a toll on you physically. These are the hard times. You start to realize life is a balance. In order to move forward you have to slow down, take care and enjoy yourself.

Six of Pentacles: The Six of Pentacles represents generosity, showing balance with your power, and feeding your spirit. When you look at the card you see a well dressed man giving money to the needy with his right hand and holding a scale with his left hand. This is showing that this  affluent man is striving to give back to the less fortunate. The scale in his left hand is there to show that he wants to deal with equality and not let the forces of greed and selfishness destroy him. Far in the background you see the castle meaning he had to remove himself far away so that he can see and understand the other side of society so he can stay connected spiritually.

Seven of Pentacles:  The Seven of Pentacles represents the rewards of hard work. There is no substitution for proper planning which is fortified with focused labor. This card also symbolizes a crossroad where you are at the peak of financial success and the question is what to do next? When you look at the card you see the man looking at the fruits of his labor and contemplating. This is why you need a good moral foundation for times when you have to make tough decisions. Life is not only difficult when you are down and out it is also hard when you are on top. When you see yourself in this situation be very careful what you ask for.

Eight of Pentacles: The Eight of Pentacles is about skills and what it takes to become the master. This card is also about focus and the labor of love. When you look at the card you see the man working hard on his craft with a smile on his face which is his secret to success, that being love. When you work and you are bitter about what you are doing and you are not showing appreciation for your blessings, the product of your labor will be made out of vain. The key is respecting your position and if you do the best that you can maybe you can rise.

Nine of Pentacles: The Nine of Pentacles represents beauty, inner peace, and reward. When you look at the card you see an attractive lady dressed in fine robes with an exotic bird in a flourishing garden. These are the rewards of hard work and discipline. This card is also showing loneliness at the top. Yes you have all the earthly riches, the finest clothes, a big house, all the comforts a person can ask for but it’s hard to trust at this level. You're at the point where you separated yourself from the common folks. That’s the price you have to pay for success.

Ten of Pentacles: The Ten of Pentacles represents the ultimate level of success. Money, family, love, and happiness. This card is about the results of walking the right path all the way. Staying humble, being wise, working hard, looking out for loved ones. You’ve done right by the community and now you are embraced with open arms. When you look at the card you see three generations together showing that family is important. You also see the dogs in a good spirit. When you see animals happy that show you’ve done right on other levels of consciousness.

Page of Pentacles: The Page of Pentacles represents opportunity entering your life of good fortune, material gain, and earthly enjoyment. This card is all about blessing on the physical plane. Keep an eye out for positive people or an opening to collect what is coming to you. Depending on the question asked or where this card is in the spread. There was an opportunity missed or one is coming. Or it can indicate the actual person who is bringing this type of energy. Try to stay aware, you do not want to miss out.

Knight of Pentacles: The Knight of Pentacles represents reliability, perfectionism, and cautiousness. Yes this card shows someone with great qualities but there is a tradeoff.  Dullness, predictability, lack of excitement. In a reading depending on the question, is there somebody that fits this description? You don’t want to disassociate from this person because they are so genuine and bring so much to the table but at the same time they don’t make your blood boil. Maybe this person is too hard on you, or are you that person? This is the energy this card displays.

Queen of Pentacles: The Queen of Pentacles represents beauty, generosity, abundance, and love. This card is about all the positive qualities of the pentacle suite of full display. Material gain, good fortune, kindness, being down to earth, efficient, and practical. When you see this card in a reading does somebody in your question have these attributes? Is it you with these characteristics? Are these the values that you need to develop? Depending where this card is in the spread some of these questions can be answered.

King of Pentacles: The King of Pentacles represents action, intelligence,  skills, and authority.
The king is majestic and strong. When it comes to business he can’t fail. He is hands on with all his projects, guiding everybody involved through example and encouragement. The King has a balanced personality and is the alpha in all circles that he enters. He commands and deserves respect, and people from all around seek his wisdom. The king is rich spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. There is nothing on this planet that he can’t have but at the same time he is humble and understands what it takes for success.


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