The Elements And Qualities Of The Zodiac

When dealing with the zodiac signs there are two categories that they fit into. That is the elements and qualities. There are four elements and  three qualities. The four elements are fire, air, earth, and water. The three qualities are cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Each zodiac sign is a combination of these attributes and no two signs have the same combination.

The signs in the fire element are creative, energetic, motivational, and exciting. The three signs that are in the fire element are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire signs are extroverted, adventurous, risk takers. People that have this element strong in their birth chart are social and charismatic.

The next element is air which represents communication, knowledge, and intelligence. The three signs in the air element are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. These signs are thinkers and information gatherers. People with this element strong in their birth chart are witty, swift, and can have a good sense of humor.

The third element is Earth. The attributes of this element is practicality, hard work, grounded, and focused. The three zodiac signs within this element are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. People with this element strong in their birth chart are shapers of the physical world. They understand and appreciate the beauty on the earthly plane.

The fourth element is water. This element represents intuition, emotions, sensitivity, and empathy. The three signs in this element are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These zodiac signs are introspective, imaginative, and display psychic abilities. People with this element strong in their birth chart maneuver through life with their feelings and hunches. 

Now that we know about the elements let's talk about the qualities.

The first quality is cardinal. The attributes of the cardinal quality is leadership, initiator and trend setter. The zodiac signs that share this quality are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These four signs start at the beginning of the seasons. Aries brings in spring. Cancer brings in summer. Libra brings in fall. Capricorn brings in winter. People with these signs have big ideas. These people push the envelope, they see a big picture and put it into activation.

The second quality is fixed. The characteristics of this quality are stability, consistency, and focus. The zodiac signs with this quality are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These signs exist in the middle of the seasons. Taurus is in the middle of spring. Leo is in the middle of summer. Scorpio is in the middle of fall. Aquarius is in the middle of winter. These are the signs that keep the ball rolling. People with these signs are dedicated and know how to materialize the big ideas of the cardinal signs.

Finally the third quality is mutable. Mutable signs are adaptable, flexible, and unstable. The zodiac signs with this quality are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. The mutable signs end one season and go into the next which gives them that flexible characteristic. Gemini is at the end of spring going into summer. Virgo is at the end of summer going into fall. Sagittarius is at the end of fall going into winter. Pisces is at the end of winter going into spring. Mutable signs are all about transformation, being receptive, and open minded.

Here is a chart showing the combinations of the different elements and qualities with no two signs being the same.


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