Cup Suite Of The Tarot

Ace of Cups: The Ace of Cups represents the beginning stages of an emotional force. This card is all about the internal universe. Intuition, feelings, that inner voice that speaks to you and gives you guidance. When you see this card it is telling you to trust your gut feelings. The answers are within, invest in love for yourself. Examine the emotional plane of life. The answers you are looking for might not be logical, practical, or physical. To attain your goal you need to look into your compassion, imagination, and psychic awareness.

Two of Cups: The Two of Cups represents union, love, and bonding. Two forces coming together becoming one expressing the natural flow of life. When you look at the card you see a man and a woman hypnotized by each other's beauty. On the top of the card you see the lion’s head with a pair of wings showing that love is a powerful force. Then you see the two snakes intertwined showing two become one. This card can also represent two forces unifying as in a business partnership or a creative endeavor.

Three of Cups: The Three of Cups represent friendships and bonding socially. Enjoying the companionship with those close to you. Coming together to drink, dance, eat, and reminisce on the good times. Sometimes in life you have to get away from yourself and cater to the community. These are times when you have to get in tune with the sentiment of those around you that you care about, and show that you are part of the whole. This card is showing exhilaration, happiness, and high spirits.

Four of Cups: The Four of Cups represent someone who has lost interest and is feeling withdrawn, sulking, and depressed. On the card you see a cup being offered to the man but he does not acknowledge it. Instead he wallows in his own self pity. This card is showing someone expressing a pessimistic view on life. Someone who is consumed in their own personal qualms. The cup being offered represents missed opportunities and blessings due to self inflicting pain and negative emotions.

Five of Cups: The Five of Cups represent pain and loss. A failed business venture, loss of property, being defeated in a competition. This person is not recovering from the agony efficiently. The hurt is too consuming. Maybe the situation is more serious. It could be the loss of something dear to the heart or even a loved one and now time is needed to grieve. There is still hope, on the card you see three cups spilled over but two remain upright. Even though this person is going through a tough time healing is a must because life must continue.

Six of Cups: The Six of Cups represents the child in us, the naive, and innocence that make us pure at heart. This card also stands for kindness and generosity. Being available for those who need your services. Helping the people in need. Giving to charities, friends, loved ones, and neighbors  who are less fortunate. When you give to others you are not just helping them you are giving warmth and satisfaction to your own soul. This card is about the energy produced from good deeds and doing right from the heart.

Seven of Cups: The Seven of Cups represents options and choices. You have to make decisions and not be afraid and overwhelmed. Living with the path you choose and accepting the good and the bad that it comes with. When you look at the card you see the young man in awe  staring at seven cups. One has a snake, another has a demon. The first cup has a man’s head representing knowledge and intelligence the second cup has a mysterious illuminated lady under a veil. One of the cups has a castle for security and protection. You see a cup with jewels in it for riches and abundance. Then you see the cup with a wreath symbolizing everlasting life. It’s time to have faith in yourself, be wise and go down the right road.

Eight of Cups: The Eight of Cups represent letting go and moving on. This chapter in your life has expired. It can be a business, a friendship, or relationship but sometimes it’s better to part ways than to remain in an unproductive situation. There are instances where you need the foresight and courage to understand that giving up is the only way to peace and happiness. On the card you see a man walking away from eight beautiful cups. The beauty of the cups are showing that the man is sacrificing but it’s the right choice and the only way for personal salvation.

Nine of Cups: The Nine of Cups represent the feeling of satisfaction and happiness. This card is also about your wishes and desires being fulfilled. When you are in tune with the  universe and your intuition is crystal clear your dreams can become reality. You are in a state of bliss like you just finished eating your favorite dessert after a delicious meal or you just made love to the woman of your dreams. This card is all about emotional and physical euphoria being on cloud nine. There is no need to fantasize or reminisce because the present moment is so delightful.

Ten Of Cups: The Ten of Cups represents family rejoicing and love being manifested. On the card you see a couple and their children enjoying a beautiful day dancing and admiring nature’s vibrant scenery. This card is about traditional values and experiencing joy through living a conservative lifestyle. To have joy and excitement doesn’t mean you have to indulge in negative activities. There can be plenty of happiness in living a life with your spouse and your offspring. Also the card is showing that blessings can be had when you thrive in the family structure.

Page of Cups: The Page of Cups represents the spirit of love entering your circle. Strive to be aware of this energy in your surroundings and try to tap into it. Are you looking for romance or searching for someone to enjoy intimacy and one on one activities with? When you see this card keep your antennas up because somebody around you might be interested and the feeling can be mutual. This card doesn’t always have to mean love for a person it can mean a passion for a new business opportunity, hobby, educational experience, or any other type of entity.

Knight of Cups: The Knight of Cups represents emotional instability. You can have all the knowledge, intelligence, courage, and creativity in the world but if your feelings are not in check it will be hard to function and reach your goals. This card is about being aware of the currents of your emotions. There are times when you are riding high on the wave and great things can be seen and done. It’s like heights that are impossible to reach and you have accomplished the unthinkable. Then there are other times when you are so deep into the abyss of an emotional funk you are nonfunctional and self destructible. When you see this card try to see where you are on the emotional plane or where somebody in the question being asked is on that level.

Queen of Cups: The Queen of Cups represents the personification of the positive qualities of the Cups suite. Being intuitive and loving, glowing with these attributes. Enjoying what has been built through kindness and being in tune with the people that depend on you. This card indicates emotional stability and control. The beauty of these factors at the highest level. Motherly qualities such as nature, nurture, caring, and being observant not only visually and audibly but also subconsciously.

King of Cups: The King of Cups represents the stern disciplined attributes of a king mixed with all the positive qualities of the cups in full effect. This card is all about ruling and decreeing with intuition, intelligence, and understanding. Staying ten steps ahead and knowing things before they happen. Seeing what people are thinking and comprehending how they operate. Having sight beyond sight, also being fair and just. Having compassion and observing life from others point of view. This king is a father figure, a ruler, and is in tune with the people’s joys and pains.


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