Aspects Of Astrology

Aspects in astrology. This subject is a  major component when putting everything together. From previous lessons we learned about the zodiac signs which are the archetypes of astrology that coincide with Earth’s rotation around the Sun. Every 30 degrees of that journey the Sun goes into a new sign which is also related to the four seasons. Then we have the houses which correlates with the Earth's rotation on its axis. There are twelve houses and every two hours a new sign enters a house. Twelve times two equals twenty four which are the amount of hours in a day.  Then we learned about the planets which are the moving parts in astrology. Each planet having a certain energy enters the houses and the signs which give different meanings to each position. All this is a beautiful thing. Planets are everywhere, the houses and the signs are interacting and a lot of information is being presented. But the question is how are all these components related? What has hierarchy over the other? what is in harmony? What is in conflict? This is where Aspects come into the picture.

So what are Aspects? Aspects are specific degrees of separation between planets also between planets and the cusps of two of the four angular houses, the Ascendant and the Midheaven. There is 360° in a circle so there could be 360 different aspects between planets and other astrological components. Out of those 360 there are five Major Aspects and five Minor Aspects that Astrology deals with.

Before we break down the different Aspects we have to talk about Orbs. What is an Orb? An Orb is the leniency allowed from the degrees of exactitude of an Aspect. For example a Square Aspect is two planets separated by 90° well if that is off by one, two, three, four, or five degrees that Aspect is still considered a Square. Say you have the Sun with Square Aspect to Jupiter at 87° that Aspect would be called a Square with a 3° Orb. Now the larger the Orb the weaker the Aspect, the smaller the Orb the stronger the Aspect. Now only a certain amount of degrees can be allowed within an Orb. When dealing with the Major Aspects an Orb can be up to 6° and when dealing with the Minor Aspects an Orb can be up to 3°. If the Sun or Moon is involved with the Aspect then an orb can be up to 8°.

The first Aspect is the conjunction which is 0° or 360° which is one in the same when dealing with a circle. When planets are right next to each other they are in conjunction. This Aspect is widely considered the most intense Aspect, amplifying the strengths of all the planets involved. Hopefully the planets in conjunction with each other have compatible energies. Like if the Moon and Jupiter are in conjunction that could be a beautiful thing but let's say Mars and Neptune are in conjunction that could cause a problem.

The sextile aspect is two planets separated by 60°. The two planets involved in this aspect will have a smooth relationship with each other. The effects will be subtle but good communication and creativity can emerge from this union.

The square aspect is when two planets are 90° apart. The two planets that are involved in a square will be in conflict with each other. These are energies within that need to be worked out for a successful outcome. Look at the houses where these planets are located and that will tell you what areas in your life these annoyances are taking place.

The trine aspect is when two planets are 120° apart from each other. This aspect brings good luck and opportunity. The energy between the planets involved with this aspect will be smooth and natural. Creativity and talents are enhanced when this aspect is in transit with the planets in your birth chart.

The opposition aspect is when two planets are 180° from each other or directly across from each other. This aspect is saying that the two planets involved are opposing each other and are having a hard time dealing with each other. This aspect is also saying that you have to go back and forth with these planetary energies in order for it to work using one at a time.

Minor Aspects

The semi-sextile minor aspect is when two planets are 30° apart. This aspect creates a similar effect as a sextile major aspect but milder. This aspect brings harmony, ease and fluidity.  The effects of this aspect are so mild it could go unnoticed.

The Semi-square aspect is when 2 planets are 45° apart from each other. This aspect creates energy similar to the square aspect but milder. This creates minor altercation, irritation, and conflicts within the self.

The Sesqui-quadrate aspect is when two planets are 135° apart from each other. This aspect also causes minor friction and inconveniences but outside the self.

The Quincunx aspect is when two planets are 150° apart from each other. This aspect brings unpredictability, shock, humor, imbalance, and things of that nature. These qualities can be negative or positive depending on the person and situation.

The Quintile aspect is when two planets are 72° apart from each other. This aspect is known to bring creative inspiration, uniqueness, and individuality. This aspect has positive effects between the two planets involved.


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