All About Taurus

Taurus Attributes
Taurus starts April 21 to May 21
Taurus element is Earth
Taurus quality is fixed
Taurus polarity is yin negative energy
Taurus ruling planet is Venus
Taurus symbol is the bull

The Taurus is hardworking, practical,  and grounded. The Taurus loves the beauty in life and enjoys the finer things. sturdy, stable, patient, and dependable. The Taurus is a no nonsense type person. The Taurus has a great work ethic and may not be seen throughout the day because he or she is at 1 of their 3 jobs. Nice clothes, fancy cars, well maintained house keeps the Taurus happy.

Head to the ground, moving forward, hard working, anybody or anything that gets in the way gets mauled with the horns. The bull is heavy and sturdy. People think the Taurus moves slow but in all reality the Taurus moves methodically and precise to get the job done right.

When it comes to finances Taurus will do pretty well. The Taurus is a hard consistent worker who will thrive in a managerial position or rather would work their way up to a top position due to the results of being reliable and diligent in the workplace. A Taurus can see success in a job like construction, contracting, or carpentry. The Taurus is an earth sign and therefore loves the beautiful things on the earthly plain like nice clothes high quality furniture fancy cars exquisite  house well groomed gorgeous mate and the Taurus deserves all this for the hard work being put in and the Taurus understands this concept. With the Taurus practical personality they are very efficient at achieving their financial goals.

When it comes to relationships the Taurus is into long term romances. The  Taurus needs stability and loyalty. With the fruits of their hard labor the Taurus needs a mate to share their great fortune with. The Taurus needs somebody who will support them emotionally, spiritually, and romantically as they focus on what they do best which is to work hard. Some may assume that a union with a Taurus could be boring but that is far from the truth. The Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus which is the heavenly body of love. Being with a Taurus will be high romance, lavish lifestyle, and exotic vacations. Even the home life will be furnished with all of life's pleasures making a union with a Taurus that of a fairy tale dream.

Here’s a list of Taurus celebrities: George Clooney, David Beckem, Uma Thurman, Al Pachino, Billy Joel, The Rock, Janet Jackson, Cher, Chris Paul, Paul George, Kevin Garnett, Stevie Wonder, Meek Mill,
Malcolm X, Lizzo, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Nicholson, Sigmund Freud, Rosario Dawson, Travis Scott, Jessica Alba, Adele, Biggie Smalls, Megan Fox, George Carlin, George Lucas, Andre The Giant, Cam Newton, James Brown


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