All About Sagittarius

Sagittarius Attributes
The dates for Sagittarius are between November 21 and December 22
Symbol: The Archer
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Polarity: Positive
Ruling planet: Jupiter

Optimistic, adventurous, cocky, adjectives that describe the Sagittarius. Always on the move looking for new places to explore, you can find the archer on top of the mountain or swimming by the coral reef. The Centaur has thick skin so words and insults don’t phase them. When emotionally hurt they bounce back with vigor and are willing to forgive as long as they know that person is an ally. The Sagittarius is a generous soul willing to give their last to a friend or loved one. With their positive outgoing charitable style the Sagittarius receives a lot of good luck and blessings from the universe. The Sagittarius values experiences over material possessions. The Sagittarius is a mutable sign making them real flexible and understanding. As a representative of the fire element they are action orientated which makes them sometimes act before thinking putting them in crazy situations. The Sagittarius is confident and cocky with their chest out and head up. They speak as if everything they say are facts and they stand by their convictions. Dwight Howard and Giannis Antetokounmpo are two NBA stars that are Sagittarius and you can see that in their style. They are both highly energetic players. Both are very athletic especially for their size and they’ll do anything for their teammates on the court. Plus with their optimistic demeanor a bad game or season doesn’t stop them, they are constantly moving forward. The legendary hall of fame boxer Manny Pacquiao is a Sagittarius and you see how he throws high volume punches and how he is stronger and more powerful than his size. Manny won and lost in the ring and after losses he always bounced back to recapture his titles. A lot of boxers get depressed and their career suffers after defeat but Manny with his thick skin always recovers emotionally. A true Sagittarius.

When it comes to relationships the Sagittarius is looking for someone to have an adventure with. A companion to travel with and experience new things. With the Sagittarius appetite for excitement it is not uncommon for them to have multiple love interests. It is hard for one person to keep up with this outgoing fire sign so it might take several people to fulfill that duty. With the optimistic kind attitude of the Sagittarius it is hard for their exes to be upset with them so they become friends after the failed romance. When a Sagittarius settles down, they will be a great fun loving partner to have. Treating their mate with kindness and understanding and most of all excitement.

Great careers for the Sagittarius could be an athlete or stuntman. Being that Sagittarius is full of energy they would do good as a personal trainer. Working outdoors like in construction or a police officer. Traveling the road as a truck driver would be a good career move. Joining the military and pushing themselves to the limit would be awesome. Dancing and acting in films or Broadway would be cool. Being a musician and touring would bring joy in the Sagittarius life.

List of famous Sagittarians: Billie Eilish, Brad Pitt, Ted Bundy, Pablo Escabar, Bruce Lee, Nikki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Frank Sinatra, Britney Spears, Russell Wilson, Jay-Z, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Tina Turner, Richard Pryor, Tiffany Haddish, Jonah Hill, Jamie Fox, Samuel L Jackson, Jimi Hendrix, DaBaby, Christina Aguilera, Anna Nicole Smith, DJ Khaled, Ray Liotta, Raven Simone, Lil Baby, Lauren London,


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