Welcome To My Site

Peace Supreme MoonBeam on the scene. Welcome to this spiritual journey. We gonna take a trip in the invisible world. Thoughts, dreams, emotions, and spirits. From my pov, life is more than what we see with the physical eye. Obviously I’m not the first to come up with all this so we gonna build on information that’s been around for thousands of years filtered through my understanding. Buddhism, Astrology, the Tarot, Witchcraft, spells, Voodoo, and things of that nature.

First of all we gonna build on Buddhism because we need a righteous positive foundation to keep us grounded because we gonna be dealing with powerful knowledge and forces. Plus we don’t want to take what we learn and discover and use it for negativity to hurt people or cause destruction. Also Buddhism puts a lot of emphasis on meditation which is a powerful tool used to see and travel on the other side. 

Then we have to explore Astrology for a greater perspective of the universe and how we relate to the heavenly bodies and how certain planetary forces affect us. And dealing with different personalities and characteristics.

Then we gonna use the Tarot as a tool of divination with it’s flexible structure we can infuse our energy into the cards and see some things.

Then we gonna use Witchcraft to create spells and rituals to decorate our thoughts and intentions to manifest.

Then we gotta explore Voodoo as a tool to communicate with the spirits and ancestors. There are other things we gonna observe on this quest to greater understanding but this here is a basic outline.



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