Introduction to Astrology

When we think about astrology we think about our sun sign. I’m a Leo I’m a Virgo and then we go to our favorite blog and look at our daily horoscope. While that sun sign is pretty amazing and a lot of people relate to it, it is not totally accurate because all people on earth can’t be put into 12 categories. There is so much more to astrology than this. Your sun sign is important because it says who you are, your ego, your essence. But what about your moon sign which shows how you feel your subconscious, your habits. What about the other eight planets in astrology? What is your mars sign or your Venus sign? In astrology we analyze ten planets and if you wanna go even deeper you can add some asteroids to that. Also you have to consider where these planets are in your life like in your finances and career, in your childhood, or relationships. These parts of your life is broken down in the houses of your birth chart. Then you have to ask yourself how are these planets interacting with each other? Are they working with each other? Are they conflicting with each other?

When you study true astrology there are four major things to consider. Those are 1. The planets 2. The houses 3. The zodiac signs. 4. The aspects. The planets are moving around the birth chart. There are 10 planets the astrologer recognizes which are the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The Earth is not included in this because we are observing the cosmos from the planet Earth so our home planet is in the center of the birth chart. And technically even though the Sun and the Moon are not planets, in astrology they are called planets. Another major part of astrology are the houses. In astrology there are 12 houses and each of them represent a different area in your life. The houses don’t represent you, they represent stages and departments of your life. Then you have the zodiac signs. There are also 12 of them. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each of these signs represent different personalities. It is important to know about all the signs, not just your sun sign because each one plays a role in who you are. For example you might be an Aries but people don’t see you that way because your rising sign might be Virgo plus other factors. And last but not least you have the Aspects. Aspects are angles and degrees to show how the planets interact with each other. Are the planets in harmony or are they conflicting.

All four of these factors are neatly organized in a natal birth chart. If you want a personal natal birth chart all you have to do is go online and get one computer generated at or any other site that you trust. To make your own birth chart manually you would have to use tables and charts called an ephemeris which tells you the position of all the planets at any given time in the past and the future. But save yourself some stress and time and get one computer generated.

Later on I’m gonna make videos on each of these subjects in depth. But remember astrology is not the know all tell all about a person. Even though it breaks down a lot. When you are dealing with a human being you have to acknowledge, like that person's life circumstances, genetics, culture ect..
For example an apple seed’s nature is to become an apple tree and bare fruit but if it is not given sunlight and water and a good environment it will not grow and furthermore if it is misused and re-purposed it can be made into a poison. So in conclusion astrology will break down your nature plus a lot more and the science is a beautiful thing that will amaze you. Supreme Moonbeam Peace.


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