All About Capricorn

The date for Capricorn is between December 21 and January 22
Symbol: goat
Element: earth
Quality: cardinal
Polarity: negative yin
Ruling planet: Saturn
The Capricorn is a down to earth, focused, hard working, humble individual. The Capricorn strives to be a champion for social justice. The Capricorn does not talk the talk they walk the walk. Moving precise and methodical towards their goal, there’s no force on earth that can stop them. The Capricorn is a natural leader; they can go into a business as a floor sweeper and move up the ranks to management in the blink of an eye. The Capricorn has a serious personality. They don’t like to joke around. These people are strictly business. Capricorns enjoy having high social status and big titles. With that being said they are still very humble and conservative. They like to play by the rules because their standing and image in society is important to them. The Capricorn is a great multitasker reaching multiple goals at the same time because while most people divide their time between work and play the Capricorn divides their time between work and more work. The late great Martin Luther King was a Capricorn and he was the people's champ. He held the highest status in society in my opinion. He worked hard at his goal and nothing could stop him, not jail, bullets, or bombs. Muhammad Ali was a Capricorn. He was considered the greatest of all time which is a hell of a title. He dedicated his life to his craft and kept on fighting even after the doctors told him to stop because his life depended on it. He also fought for social justice and was willing to sacrifice everything he had for the cause, even his freedom. Lebron James is a Capricorn and you can see that all in his game and lifestyle. He is the greatest player of this generation. When he is on the court he does everything. Playing and guarding all five positions. Tallying up the most minutes played. And taking over games when his team is losing. Off the court he enjoys a true traditional family life being married to his high school sweetheart and being involved in his children's lives. Also he does a lot when it comes to social issues.

When it comes to romance the Capricorn looks for long term relationships. When a Capricorn looks for their love interest they seek for someone who can fit into the big picture of a great career, a beautiful house, and lovely family. The Capricorn also looks for someone who is qualified to stand by them and complement their social status. The Capricorn is a very generous person and is willing to spoil their partner with material gifts. This generosity is sometimes used to compensate for the long hours apart due to work. In the bedroom the Capricorn is a willing and giving lover able to drive anybody crazy. The Capricorn’s intense sexdrive could be how they balance out all the hard work they put into their career.

Management or business ownership is inevitable for the Capricorn. A younger Capricorn will play their position at a company to soak up knowledge and gain experience but it’s a matter of time before they take over or branch out to create their own. Working at a restaurant is a good move for a Capricorn with all the moving parts in that business the Cap can perform multiple duties and display their true skills. Managing a team at a firm and overlooking big projects would make a Capricorn feel right at home. 

Jeff bezos, Greta Thunberg, Elvis Presley, Jim Carry, Steven Hawking, Betty White, Dwyane Wade, Aaliyah, Mel Gibson, Al Capone, Steve Harvey, LL Cool J, Denzel Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Michelle Obama, Tiger woods, George Foreman, Eli Manning, Drew Brees, Stan Lee, Laila Ali, George Washington Carver, Howard Stern, Joe Frazier Mary J Blige, Conrad Hilton, Blue Face, Lebron James, Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King Jr


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